2/10/2023 eSellerCloud web, Version 2.6 SB4_Rel, build 64
Besides various changes optimizing performance and stability, eSeller Cloud was updated with the following changes:
New features
The 52eSELLER SUITE API’s (V2 & V3) has been improved and extended considerably. Examples of API V3 Improvements introduced:
- EB-512 V3 Order API endpoints that works on anonymous user using OrderGuid as primary key.
- EB-510 V3 API Online Payment handover - added flag to payment selection requisite to enable implementors to see if checkout supports Browser(headless)/SDK approach + Code cleanup.
- EB-423 Create basket api rollbackcheckout endpoint + modified checkout request and response bodies to simplify usage and enable SDK usage.
- EB-474 V3/productlocations?itemKeys={itemKeys} to include detailed inventory information.
- EB-475 V3/products?itemKeys={itemKeys} and v3/products?extItemKeys={extItemKeys} to include detailed inventory information as an option.
Also the Shop admin has extended with some new functionality:
- EB-498 Shop admin capable of showing and editing product non-variant inventory count on location level — Preparation for 2.7 release.
- EB-453 Shop admin capable of showing and editing product variant inventory count on location level — Preparation for 2.7 release.
- EB-471 In Shop admin a new page shows whether a shop is reachable and served by eseller, or if it is placed elsewhere. Availability status is shown as ‘traffic lights’: Green = eseller shop, Yellow = Available but not in eseller, Red= Not an eseller shop. New page is found here: Home >> Base setup >> General information >> Host headers.
Also a few improvements made on the shop side:
- EB-416 A shop login customer, is now able to change user name, so that user can use e-mail address as the user name, and change e-mail address - hence username - whenever user wants to.
- EB-543 Performance issue on productlist.asmx api call for "variants" - Fixed. general optimization implemented for getting SEO Menu. General Optimization of productlists.
Finally release includes quite a few bug fixes.
12/5/2023 eSellerCloud web, Version 2.5 SB4_Rel, build 25
Besides various changes optimizing performance and stability, eSeller Cloud was updated with the following changes:
New features
This release introduces a Netaxept as newest payment solution from Nets. Netaxept is an advanced replacement for the D2 payment solution (also known as DIBS D2 or DIBS D2 FlexWin) that was previously supported by 52eSELLER SUITE.
Also the 52eSELLER SUITE API’s (V2 & V3) has been improved and extended considerably.
- EB-34 + EB-114 Data grooming configuration in backend. Making it possible for shop owners to be able to set thresholds for when old basket and order informations should be removed, hence shop owners can control when old data is removed. (Default for order is 50 years, default for basket is 3 years).
- EB-222 Allow for prefix in barcode generator. Making it possible for shop owners to specify a prefix when generating barcodes, so shop owner can adapt prepend correct id. The change applies to barcode types: EAN13 (13 characters fixed length), EAN8 (8 characters fixed length), CODE11, INERTERLEAVED25, MSI1 and UPCA (12 characters fixed length).
- EB-237 Price validity on product lists. Date validity (range) to be delivered in json responses, to be used by frontend developers when showing prices in shopfront. In order obey prescribed laws showing validity time for certain sales prices, especially campaign prices.
- EB-64 Enable emergency shopfront disabling of products. This feature makes it possible to remove items from shopfront - even if they are integrated - in a fast and convenient way. In some cases it is necessary to block out items that for one reason or the other are misconfigured in a way that negativly impacts business. This feature is needed because sometimes an integration contains f.inst. bad pricing - due to the queueing nature of integrations it can take long time to correct this kind of data and hence it makes sense to be able to block out such items manually, until data gets corrected. The emergency lock out is completely manual, i.e. it can only be switched on in administration, and it can only be switched off again in the administration. The integration can’t alter this setting.
- EB-248 When creating Coupons/Vouchers in webadmin, It is now possible to select or deselect products as valid or not valid for Coupons created. This makes it possible to only include some products as valid for a coupon or to exclude only some products as not valid for a coupon.
- EB-164 Vat reverse charge option (calculation type) made visible in admin. It is now possible to see whether reverse charge option on vat, is set up on an account in webadmin: Home>>Base setup>>Company info>>VAT>>VAT setup
- EB-244 [Ticket#2022070810000351] Changed solution for creating and maintaining favorites list in legacy solution. To prevent customers loosing their favorites in speciel cases in shops where salespersons are able to select customers and create/ maintain customers favorites list.
Bug fixes
- EB-159 + EB-242 Giftcard VAT incorrect amount when redeeming and also other incorrect calculations related to paying partly or fully using Gift card(s) fixed.
- EB-174 Rescaled image - update when original changes – improvements. Customer experiences problems when the upload new images. Product list seems to keep showing 'old image' while details show the new image. It was found to be related to resizing and caching resized images. A work-around measure has been introduced, by which "resizing" (re-generating the sized image) is forced when using the Imagehandler.ashx resource. Also it can be required to apply a fix in front end using image version number on product lists will result in new images being available quicker in shop front. Please note that this will be a per-shop change, so you should consider if such change is required or not.
- EB-173 Duplicate sales prices from upload due to upload performance problems. Performance optimization of upload jobs done to prevent upload jobs from timing out and hence sales price duplicates should be removed in the future [Ticket#2022041910000022].
- EB-213 Error in product price related to context values cookie for country id. Cookie refresh implemented to secure that country specific price is always correct also if user changes country in shop a number of times [Ticket#2022012810000029].
- EB-172 Problem when merging baskets from login and wo login is fixed. Before, when merging baskets actually only the one basket line is kept when both baskets contains same product, while message is saying baskets were merged. This was actually 'by design', but we have decided to improve this merge functionality to make it more logically from clients perspective. Now product lines on same product are merged and the item count from both baskets is summed together [Ticket#2022050210000123].
- EB-247 + EB-248 Coupons/ Vouchers – the negative selection and positive selection ignores BOM and variant products. Now BOM and Variant products are also handled in relation to Vouchers [Ticket#2022080810000072].
- EB-233 Navigate URL - breadcrumb is picking up wrong menu items resulting in empty page when selecting breadcrumb. Fixed now.
- EB-252 Error in test webshop blocking a coming campaign - error message blocks basket and hence not able to order. Fixed [Ticket#: 2022082410000121].
- EB-242 Problems with Giftcards. Calculation and amounts do not seem to be correct. Fixed.
- EB-234 Problem when salesperson creates/ updates a customer’s Favorites, resulting in customer sometimes loses his own favorites. Fixed – refer also to EB-244 [Ticket#2022070810000351].
3/1/2022 eSellerCloud Shopadmin, Version 2.4 SB4_Rel, build 414
The new release of eSellerCloud Shopadmin was updated with the following changes:
New features
- US21444 Shopadmin now supports removing importrequestqueue jobs from integration log.
- US21851 Shopadmin now supports searching for import jobs in integration log.
Bug fixes
- DE7887 Shopadmin orders list: Same order shown many times in order list - now fixed. #2021111710000103.
- DE7881 Shopadmin ‘blind’ document links: Documents deleted in admin but still present in webshop due to ‘blind links’. ‘Blind links’ are now visible in Shopadmin (?? Instead of size) and can be deleted. #2021102810000022.
- DE7859 Shopadmin - User can now switch between accounts without having to be administrator on all accounts. If a User is provided access to several accounts he can now easily switch between these accounts in Shopadmin #2021030210000076.
- DE7566 Shopadmin texts translation: Now shows the correct reference language name #2020071010000028.
- DE7176 Shopadmin CSV export: Performance optimization for sales prices CSV export implemented #2019112110000109.
- DE7812 Shopadmin fails when uploading product documents with names longer than 100 characters: Shopadmin no longer fails but provide an error-message instead # 2019052910000044.
- DE7866 Shopadmin fails on stock-productfiltering due to generated formatting of content design behind the filtering. Now fixed.
1/10/2021 eSellerCloud web, Version 2.4 SB4_Rel, build 388
Besides various changes optimizing performance and stability, eSeller Cloud was updated with the following changes:
New on docs
- The article describing Bundle size handling has been added!
New features
This release introduces a brand-new set of REST API’s delivering shop functionality.
These API’s opens up brand new possibilities for delivering shop functionality like one-page web experience, mobile and desktop app, third-party web-integration and more. This is made possible due to the API’s being RESTfull.
Simply put it means that the client is responsible for state information, instead of the server as is the case in current core shop implementation. The fact that each API endpoint works completely independent of other calls.
As the API’s delivers very detailed information on shop entities, and the client is responsible how to implement desired user experience and workflow brings a whole new set of possibilities.
The documentation for the new API’s, aka “V3-API’s”, in its current state can be found here.
- US19612 Image handler: Image handler URLs (e.g. produced by JSON product services) now includes "RevisionNo" query parameter. RevisionNo for an image will change whenever image or image size are updated
and will result in these image updates, to be much faster available in the web shops.
- US21893 Password reset mail language: The language of the password reset mail is made dependent on the language of the login.
- If a languageId is specified on the login, this language will be used for the password reset mail.
- If no languageId is specified on login, the context language will be used for the password reset mail.
- Otherwise, if there's no context language (integration & admin) shop default language will be used.
- US21905 Integration: As it has been implemented for product entities, importing product variants also now considers current stocklevel of the variant, when determining whether to update or skip data due to identical checksum.
Bug fixes
- DE7771 Product list search: When making Product List search requests, filtering is now maintained.
- DE7042 Coupons: Adding same coupon twice to basket and then removing coupon from basket again caused VIKING CalculateBasket to send out error message.
Fix is made so it is no longer possible to add same coupon twice to basket #2020022610000034 #2020090110000023.
- DE7436 Delivery address: Specifying a delivery address id on the customer data is now correctly treated as a default suggestion for end user #2020012710000034, #2019102110000021, #2019110710000136.
- DE7680 Integration: It was not possible to NULL languageId and currencyId on customer and login. Now when these elements are defined but empty, the fields are set to NULL.
- DE7638 Welcome message: Infomessage does not use msg_welcome from content design in webshopadm. Now welcome message uses text defined on the content design.
- DE7830 SalesBundleSize: When setting SalesBundleSize on product variant master, product variants now respects such SalesBundleSize #2021051210000053.
- DE5709 Basket: Now the basket that is created when new login is made in shopfront, gets the customer data stamped on it. This results in customer data being prefilled at checkout #2018101810000039.
- DE6772 Input fields: Input fields are now trimmed of leading and trailing spaces before storing the values in the DB. This solves some field validation issues #2019110110000067.
- DE6969 Basket: A problem with completing basket after removing an expired coupon is now fixed. When removing an expired coupon from the basket, now the basket identifies that this has happened and no longer blocks the process of completing the order #2020020310000014 #2020020310000023.
- DE7591 Deals: Basket does not display line price even though deal-line says so. Now the deal line prices are shown #2020090710000076 #2021012610000025.
- DE7820 Product feeds links are now consistent with language selection from corresponding domain setup (host header).
**Not all webshops are on this release yet, but are moved gradually**
19/11/2020 eSellerCloud web, Version 2.2 SB4_Rel, build 378
Besides various changes optimizing performance and stability, eSeller Cloud was updated with the following changes:
- Stability improvements regarding changetracking and cache invalidation.
- Security improvements, particularly targeting cross-site-scripting.
03/11/2020 eSellerCloud web, Version 2.2 SB4_Rel, build 377
Besides various changes optimizing performance and stability, eSeller Cloud was updated with the following changes:
- DE7129 Basket coupon line now handles VAT correctly when the shop is set up to not include VAT in prices.
23/10/2020 eSellerCloud web, Version 2.2 SB4_Rel, build 373 (FTP)
- Improvements to handling of import queue, increasing stability of import jobs.
- Improvements regarding integration checksums and inventory. Checksums are now correctly updated, if the imported inventory count differs from the existing of the product.
31/08/2020 eSellerCloud web, Version 2.2 SB4_Rel, build 372
Besides various changes optimizing performance and stability, eSeller Cloud was updated with the following changes:
- Performance optimization for the shop administration, specifically targeting listing of products.
10/12/2019 eSellerCloud web, Version 2.2 SB4_Rel, build 365
Besides various changes optimizing performance and stability, eSeller Cloud was updated with the following changes:
New features
US15186 - Data space restriction
It is now possible to apply a query filter in the shop administration - read more about it here.
US20154 - VIKING: Coupon validation message is now localizable.
The message text is found in Design > Overall design > Layout > Application texts
- US19381 - VIKING: Support of multiple coupons in basket
Bug fixes
- DE6787 - Product scope is now correctly respected when Customer.ProductScopePolicy is “Strict” and product collection is empty
10/09/2019 eSellerCloud web, Version 2.1 SB4_Rel, build 342
Besides various changes optimizing performance and stability, eSeller Cloud was updated with the following changes:
New on docs
- The article describing Basket behavior has been updated!
New features
US20291 Basket: Per-field customer data compliance
Ensuring that basket is always updated with up-to-date customer data for logged-in customers is now even more flexible.
Previously, the shop group setting "Basket_AddressFollowsCustomer" ensured that customer data on the basket complied with the actual customer data (most oftenly imported from an ERP system).
This setting would ensure compliance with the following fixed set of fields (which would also be automatically "locked" so that the user could not enter anything in them):
- Customer payment address data: Company name, Name, Address, Address2, Zipcode, City and Country
- Customer delivery address data: Company name, Name, Address, Address2, Zipcode, City, and Country.
This update makes it possible for the shop administrator to define which fields must be locked during checkout and must comply with customer data, rather than using this fixed set of fields.
Defining which fields to lock/force to comply with customer data is done by setting the desired fields as "Read-only (Logged in)" in the shop administration (Settings > Customers > Customer information).
This new configuration means that the previous "Read-only" setting (which applied for both login and not-logged-in users) is now split up into two separate settings - "Read-only (Not logged in)" and "Read-only (Logged in)".
This means that it is now possible to differentiate the configuration of the fields based on whether or not the user is logged in.
NOTE: Customer data will only be forced onto a field in the basket if the shop group setting "Basket_AddressFollowsCustomer" is set to "Enforce" AND if the field is set to "Read-only (Logged in)".
1) My shop does not support logging in and customers may change any of the customer information during checkout.
=> Shop group "Basket_AddressFollowsCustomer" setting should be set to "Ignore" (or "Enforce") and none of the fields should be configured as "Read-only".
2) My shop supports logging in and customers may change any of the pre-filled customer information during checkout.
=> Shop group "Basket_AddressFollowsCustomer" setting should be set to "Enforce" and none of the fields should be configured as "Read-only".
3) My shop supports logging in and customers may not change the fields "company name", "e-mail" and "country" during checkout - it must be ensured that this data on the basket/order complies with what is specified on the customer (for example, from my ERP system).
=> Shop group "Basket_AddressFollowsCustomer" setting should be set to "Enforce" and the payment address fields "company name", "e-mail" and "country" should be configured as "Read-only (Logged in)".
- US17981 ProductService: ProductVariants service now returns variant name
- US16369 Doccache: Extended product information is now cached in doccache resulting in better performance
- US16459 Shopadmin: Performance optimization regarding coupons in shopadmin
- US16358 Google sitemap: Google sitemap is now using doccache, resulting in lower response times
- US16358 Product feeds: Product feeds are now using doccache, resulting in lower response times
Bug fixes
- DE5741 Shopadmin: Product grossweight is now shown as-is when displayed in product editing (previously rounded).
- DE5904 Shopadmin: Giftcard admin now treats decimal points when redeeming according to locale #2019010910000062
- DE5877 Feeds: Kelkoo now returns correct merchant category #2018121310000081
- DE5656 Basket: UserValues API no longer throws an exception when no basket exists
- DE5660 Coupons: Basket no longer fails when multiple variants of same products exists in basket with coupon #2018100810000094
- DE5546 Basket: Adding product with expected delivery date to basket does not use specified quantity #2018082810000051
- DE4686 Uploading product/menu image from admin now saves datetime as UTC
- DE5430 Shopadmin: Offers can now be created simultaneously by different shopadmin users on the same account #2018070910000044
- DE4706 Checkout: Country names are now sorted alphabetically for all languages
- DE5019 Shopadmin: Shopadmin no longer throws error when deleting redirect
- DE5177 Shopadmin: Product export wizard now includes InStockMessage and NotInStockMessage
- DE5352 Shipment: Consignor shipment lines are now created with correct VAT percentage on order
- DE5172 Product: ExpectedDeliveryDate on product should be converted to local time when displayed to user #2018031910000087
- DE6562 Shopadmin: CMS editor now displays buttons correctly in Chrome browser
04/06/2019 eSellerCloud web, Version 1.81a SB4_Rel_Ftp(20170317), build 12 (FTP)
Besides various changes optimizing performance and stability, eSeller Cloud was updated with the following changes:
New features
US17984 Importing product custom field values now supports integrationScope!
This means that it is no longer necessary to specify all custom field values for a product, e.g. when adding a new custom field value, as long as integrationScope of the element is partialIntegration.
This will make it possible to greatly reduce the amount of data imported, especially in cases where a very large number of custom field values are defined for products.
It is also possible to delete a specific custom field value by setting the “delete” attribute for the value.
NOTE: When integrationScope “partialIntegration” is not specified, the default integrationScope is still fullIntegration (to maintain backwards compatibility).
NOTE also: The schema documentation is not yet updated!
US15393 Bulk image upload supports URL encoding filenames!
With this change, it is now possible to upload images with filenames containing file system-reserved characters (such as products containing “/” in ext. ID).
Allowing this requires enabling a setting in the shop administration at Base setup > Company info > Account > FTP account – it is called “Are file names URL encoded?”
When this setting is enabled, the FTP decodes filenames prior to matching the file with a product, which means that file names must be URL encoded prior to uploading them.
When importing a file with a URL-encoded filename, the FTP decodes the name and attaches it to the correct product. The FTP displays the file strings as they were uploaded (does not display decoded strings).
NOTE: The behavior of FTP clients may differ when handling encoded strings – apparently some FTP clients decode the string rather than delivering it to the FTP server as-is.
This means that for some FTP clients, the image strings must be double encoded!
For instance, if the image string is originally “_M/L__500_hæhæ.jpg” (referencing an ext. ID containing “/”), the encoded string is “_M%2FL__500_h%C3%A6h%C3%A6.jpg” and the double-encoded string is “_M%252FL__500_h%25C3%25A6h%25C3%25A6.jpg”.
FileZilla seems to accept single-encoding.
WinSCP seems to require double-encoding.
Bug fixes
- DE4426 Salesperson logins: Updating salesperson login username must be possible #2018110710000012
Updating salesperson login username from integration now works correctly.
DE4427 Salesperson logins: Salesperson login email cannot be updated #2017112110000078
It is now possible to update the e-mail address of salesperson login.
A new field has been added to the salesPerson.shopGroup.login element; <emailAddress>, which means that it is now possible to update the e-mail address of salesperson logins.
NOTE: The schema documentation is not yet updated with this new field!
- DE4871 Currency: Currrency reference uses ISO code for customer logins and line discounts
Fixes an error where on customer login and line discounts referenced ISO4217Alpha rather than currency ext. ID.
- DE4694 Gift cards: giftCardState enumeration option should not be case sensitive
Fixes a problem where giftCardState enumeration is case sensitive (when it should not be) when importing gift cards.
- DE4683 Payment transactions "CreatedBetween" must expect date-times to be in local timezone
Fixes a problem where integration assumed that the date-times specified for the CreatedBetween criteria for payment transactions export were UTC.
Now the integration expects that the date-times are in local time zone (Europe/Copenhagen).
02/10/2018 eSellerCloud web, Version 2.0 SB4_Rel, build 307
Besides various changes optimizing performance and stability, eSeller Cloud was updated with the following changes:
- DE5628: Basket: Merging basket lines for VIKING basket now preserves all basket lines #2018092710000042
- System stabilization and new logging for debugging #2018092610000099
21/09/2018 eSellerCloud web, Version 2.0 SB4_Rel, build 304
Besides various changes optimizing performance and stability, eSeller Cloud was updated with the following changes:
New features
- US16643: Stock level is now attempted updated immediately upon ordering
What’s different? Previously eSeller Cloud would update stock level every 2 minutes, which meant that adjusting stocklevel would potentially occur up to 2 minutes after the order was placed.
Rather than updating every 2 minutes, the shop now attempts to adjust stock level immediately after an order has been placed. If for some reason it is not able to (for instance, if it is blocked by an import updating stock level on that account), the shop will add the adjustment transaction to a queue, which will execute every 2 minutes. This reduces the risk of overselling items in fire sales such as Black Friday.
Bug fixes
- DE5386: Merging baskets before/after login now consistently handles all types of items #2018052910000091
– see the updated documentation here.
- DE5578: Remembering basket now correctly complies with the shop setting "Remember basket when logged in" #2018091010000083
- DE5611: VIKING – Basket caching now considers entire pricing context #2018091910000085
- DE5361: VIKING - Adding to basket from order history using Basket API no longer periodically fails #2018052410000082
31/08/2018 eSellerCloud web, Version 2.0 SB4_Rel, build 301
Besides various changes optimizing performance and stability, eSeller Cloud was updated with the following changes:
New features
- US14489 Custom fields: Product custom field "native" value may now hold up to 255 characters. The previous limit was 50 characters.
- Product custom field filter controls now use doccache for rendering filters. This translates to better response times for product list pages using custom field filters.
Bug fixes
- DE4423 Pricing: Price calculation precision #2017033010000085
Price calculation now uses 10 decimals when calculating prices, rather than the previous 5 decimals. This results in a higher level of precision.
- DE5552 ShopAdmin: Product list in shopadmin now allows the user to enter a search query, narrowing the result set, if a timeout occurs #2018082810000042
14/08/2018 eSellerCloud web, Version 2.0 SB4_Rel, build 297
New features
- US16108 Google Sitemap: Sitemap index
The Google sitemap now generates a sitemap index, containing links to sub-sitemaps each containing up to 10.000 URLs. This improves performance of getting the sitemap for shops with a very large number of indexed URLs. See the documentation here.
- US14504 Google sitemap: Support for hreflang information
The Google sitemap now contains "alternate" links indicating language and country of the URL. This helps Google Search point uses to the most appropriate version of your page, and it reduces the risk of content being deemed as duplicate. This feature also allows for including URLs from multiple shops on the same account, in case language/country-specifc shops are created. See the documentation here.
- US15870 B2A: Changing active customer must use default currency if no currency is specified on customer
The shop now automatically selects the default currency of the shop, if no specific currency is specified for the active customer.
- US15676 Export wizard: Support for exporting MenuItemID
The export wizard is now able to export the (internal) product menu ID. This is particularly useful when setting up 301 redirects for shops that migrate from a Classic shop to a Cloud shop or from a Cloud shop to another Cloud shop.
- DE4030 Gift Card: Gift card log of type "Created" now includes Order ID, so it can easily be identified, which order created a gift card.
- US14119 Shopadmin: Support for deleting design defined texts
It is now possible to delete "orphan" texts that have previously been defined in a content design using a <eSeller:Select Text="some_text_key"> tag.
- US13485 Order: New customer-related runtime values are now available
These runtime values allow the order confirmation page / order confirmation e-mail to contain customer-related data, which for instance makes it possible to personalize order confirmation e-mails by addressing the customer directly, such as "Dear John Doe..." in the order confirmation e-mail. Moreover, it allows for more flexible styling of the order confirmation page / e-mail. See the new SellTo and DeliveryAddress runtime values here.
- US13699 Order API: A new order API is now available - check it out here.
Use the flexible API to freely design order history pages for logged-in customers.
- Basket API: Support for coupons
It is now possible to add / view / delete coupons using the Basket API. Check out the new coupon-related methods here.
- Custom field filters: Performance optimization.
Bug fixes
- DE3876 Gift cards: Improved performance for exporting gift cards using the shopadmin export wizard.
- DE4044 Import wizard: An error no longer occurs when more columns with the same name exists in the imported file.
- DE4133 Customer login: The shop now displays an error message when a customer with an inactive country attempts to log in to the shop. The text key of this message is "error_label_country_
is_not_active" and it managed in the CustomerLogin control texts.
- DE4093 CMS editor: browser related problems #2016122710000031
- DE2959 PaymentTransactions: Inconsistencies in the export schema for payment transactions have been fixed.
- DE4896 Coupons: Validity date (time) now uses account time zone rather than UTC. This fixes a problem where setting a coupon validity to a date, the coupon would not be active until 02:00 at that date. Now the coupon is valid from 00:00 at the specified date.
07/06/2018 eSellerCloud web, Version 2.0.1 SB4_Rel, build 31
Besides various changes optimizing performance and stability, eSeller Cloud was updated with the following changes:
New features
- The CustomerSelector control has been extended with new attributes; Mode and MaxResultCount. These new attributes facilitate better performance, especially for B2A portals where sales persons have many related customers. We strongly recommend that MaxResultCount is always specified for the control, and that a suitable value is set - e.g. 50. See the updated documentation on the control here.
24/05/2018 eSellerCloud web, Version 2.0 SB4_Rel, build 229 (Search service)
Besides various changes optimizing performance and stability, eSeller Cloud was updated with the following changes:
- The Smart Search engine has been rewritten, improving search results especially for items with ID fields containing white space. #2017100610000054
- Improvement of search engine robustness - quick startup logic added for fast recovery on short timed service stops.
13/04/2018 eSellerCloud web, Version 2.0.1 SB4_Rel, build 23
Besides various changes optimizing performance and stability, eSeller Cloud was updated with the following changes:
New on docs
- Improved API reference documentation.
New features
- An implementation was made to ensure that the shop is able to communicate with systems that only support TLS1.1 and/or TLS1.2.
12/04/2018 eSellerCloud web, Version 1.81a SB4_Rel_Ftp, build 12 (FTP)
New features
- Order export now supports exporting user values containing XML data, if data type is specified as "text/xml".
21/03/2018 eSellerCloud web, Version 2.0.1 SB4_Rel, build 20
Besides various changes optimizing performance and stability, eSeller Cloud was updated with the following changes:
New on docs
- Basket customer address compliance
- Default shipment address behavior
New features
- US17330 Basket setting: AddressFollowsCustomer
A new shop group setting allows basket to ensure that payment/shipment address of a logged-in customer comply with the payment/shipment address information stored on the customer in the shop.
This is often desirable in situations where customer payment/shipment address information originate from an ERP system and where the customer is not allowed to edit the information during checkout.
Read more about it here.
- US17331 ShipmentAddress: Setting for selecting no shipment address
The ShipmentAddress control now supports a new setting; “AllowNoShipmentAddress” (True/False). The purpose of this setting is to serve as an alternative to using the “ShipmentAddressCheckbox“ control in the design or using the ShipmentAddress “Required” setting.
The “AllowNoShipmentAddress” setting allows the design to always display the ShipmentAddress input fields and let the customer choose whether specify a shipment address or to use payment address as shipment address by selecting a new “Same as payment address” option in the drop-down selector.
See the updated documentation here.
Bug fixes
- DE5166 Shopadmin: Manufacturer delivery fee decimals are now saved correctly #2018031410000014
15/03/2018 eSellerCloud web, Version 2.0.1 SB4_Rel, build 15
Besides various changes optimizing performance and stability, eSeller Cloud was updated with the following changes:
Bug fixes
- DE5092: Custom field filters on search result page no longer display unexpected filter values #2018010810000021
- DE5050: Shopadmin - Sales price customer price group pager now works correctly.
01/03/2018 eSellerCloud web, Version 2.0.1 SB4_Rel, build 14
Bug fixes
- A problem with some cached data not expiring as it should is now fixed #2018022710000019 | #2018022610000039
14/02/2018 eSellerCloud web, Version 2.0.1 SB4_Rel, build 2
Besides various changes optimizing performance and stability, eSeller Cloud was updated with the following changes:
New features
- LiteCache: eSeller Cloud now uses a new level of caching aimed at ensuring that data is served consistently fast.
Bug fixes
- DE5067: Feeds - A problem with some very large product feeds returning invalid results is now fixed #2018013010000069
- DE5077: Search - Fixed occasional problem causing search to not return any results #2018012510000079
25/01/2018 eSellerCloud web, Version 2.0 SB4_Rel, build 4
Besides various changes optimizing performance and stability, eSeller Cloud was updated with the following changes:
New features
- Upgraded to the latest version of cache server for more effective caching - translates to faster responses!
Bug Fixes
- Product menus without images now display the correct "no image" image #2018012310000055
12/01/2018 eSellerCloud web, Version 2.0 SB4_Rel, build 228
Besides various changes optimizing performance and stability, eSeller Cloud was updated with the following changes:
Bug fixes
- DE5035: Unavailable products are now correctly removed from basket on location change #2018010810000093
- DE5011: A bug with incorrect shipment country for some login customers is now fixed #2017121810000046 | #2017120110000032
- Increased robustness and stability of the search service.
04/01/2018 eSellerCloud web, Version 2.0 SB4_Rel, build 218
New features
- US16724: ShopMenu control has been completely rewritten and uses DocCache!
We've extended the implementation of DocCache, so the ShopMenu control rendering product- and info menus now uses the awesome DocCace feature! This results in blazing fast response times and much more flexible caching. This means that updated menus are shown in the shop front almost immediately after being saved - hours will no longer go by until the changes are visible (note: these changes do not currently apply to product menu images).
Moreover, we've extended the Depth attribute so that it is more flexible - it now supports the values "All" or an integer defining the number of menu levels to display. Previously it only supported the values "All", "1" or "2".
- JSON ProductList requests with missing/empty mId paramater now also uses DocCache, which translates to lower response times!
- Improve search service stability and caching scheme for faster search results.
- General caching improvements for better performance.
Bug fixes
- Product menu images are now inherited properly from invisible menus #2018010210000121, #2018010210000041
- DE4983: Product lists with variants are now shown correctly #2017120510000098
- DE4947: Amend implementation by faulty QuickPay documentation for Klarna payments.
07/12/2017 eSellerCloud web, Version 1.81a SB4_Rel_Ftp, build 7 (FTP)
New features
- US16725: FTP - improve stability.
Bug fixes
- DE3263: FTP - Problem with "Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted" response is now solved #2017112110000023
30/11/2017 eSellerCloud web, Version 2.0 SB4_Rel, build 200
Besides various changes optimizing performance and stability, eSeller Cloud was updated with the following changes:
New features
- The new DocCache ProductList implementation has been optimized and response times for JSON ProductList requests has lowered considerably - around 24% on average!
Bug fixes
- DE4965: Manufacturer logo is now shown correctly on product details pages.
27/11/2017 eSellerCloud web, Version 2.0 SB4_Rel, build 197
Besides various changes optimizing performance and stability, eSeller Cloud was updated with the following changes:
New features
- US16647: Preliminary implementation of DocCache for JSON product lists. Currently all JSON ProductList requests use the new DocCache feature (except ProductList requests with missing/empty mId).
Bug fixes
- DE4927: Kelkoo feeds are now generated correctly #2017110810000058
- DE4923: Info menus no longer appear multiple times in search results #2017110810000021
- DE4933: Products that have been deleted and recreated no longer appear multiple times in search results #2017110610000043
- DE4929: Search service stability improvements.
09/11/2017 eSellerCloud web, Version 2.0 SB4_Rel, build 187
Besides various changes optimizing performance and stability, eSeller Cloud was updated with the following changes:
New features
- US16465 DocCache: CMS texts are now fetched from DocCache.
Since the release we have observed a significant lowering in overall average response times!
- US16452 SEO: Product menu images and shop icon images have been decorated with alt tags.
Bug fixes
- A problem with specifying discount group on product from CSV import is now fixed.
27/10/2017 eSellerCloud web, Version 2.0 SB4_Rel, build 184
Besides various changes optimizing performance and stability, eSeller Cloud was updated with the following changes:
New features
- Custom field filters now use DocCache
DocCache that was introduced by the last release is now used by custom field filters.
This means that the time it takes to generate the custom field filter controls has been reduced, which should translate to better page speed and will cause less stress on the SQL.
- Search service now uses change tracking
The search service now uses change tracking to identify which entities have changed. This results in almost instant indexing - e.g. from a product name is changed till the new name will yield the product as a search result.
Bug fixes
- US16094 QuickPay: Support for sending delivery fee to Klarna #2017091310000123 #2017081510000087
Due to an error in QuickPay the delivery fee was not included in Klarna invoices. They have now implemented the necessary fix, which means that this now works correctly.
- DE4872 Product names containing line break/line feed characters no longer result in invalid URLs.
- DE4869 Add-to-favorites URL is now shown correctly for products with no default menu #2017101310000031
- DE4808 Search would occasionally return unexpected empty search results for shops using product collections #2017071910000045
- We’ve addressed a problem that would occasionally cause some RelatedProducts requests to respond slowly.
10/10/2017 eSellerCloud web, Version 2.0 SB4_Rel, build 170
New features
Cache optimization - RelatedProducts and Products JSON services
We've released the first version of the new DocCache feature, which is a much faster and flexible way of caching data. Moreover, we've completely rewritten how data is fetched and served, which results in great performance improvements.
For this first release, DocCache has been implemented for RelatedProducts and Products JSON services.
The main focus of the first release has been improving response times for huge related products lists containing bill-of-materials specifications.
Our measurements show that the average response time for first requests has decreased by 98% - the new DocCache is 58 times faster than before!
Likewise, the average response time for subsequent requests has decreased by 90% - the new DocCache is 10 times faster than before!
31/08/2017 eSellerCloud web, Version 1.8 SB4_Rel, build 145
Besides various changes optimizing performance and stability, eSeller Cloud was updated with the following changes:
Bug fixes
- DE4741 - Sometimes gift cards would not show in the basket immediately after having been redeemed.
- DE4695 - Some non-ASCII characters in URLs could cause invalid links.
04/07/2017 eSellerCloud web, Version 1.8 SB4_Rel, build 140
Besides various changes optimizing performance and stability, eSeller Cloud was updated with the following changes:
New features
- US14324 QuicpPay v10: Klarna payments
eSeller Cloud now supports Klarna payments using QuickPay v10. Some front-end implementation is required - please see the documentation here.
- US15442 Basket user value API now supports posting an array of basket values.
It is now possible to post multiple basket user values in one request by posting them in an array rather than as a single JSON object.
- DE4359 ImageHandler: The image handler now supports showing PNG/JPEG images of indexed pixel format. Previously the image handler would return a 404 for such images - only GIF and TIFF files were previously supported for this format.
- US15470 BasketAPI: Include BasketGUID in response
BasketGUID is now included in responses from Basket API. BasketGUID can be used to recover abandoned baskets.
- DE4476 301: Support for setting "pass query parameters" setting for regex redirects
It is now possbile to specify whether a regex redirect should pass query parameters, providing more control over how redirects should behave. Previously query parameters would always be passed for regex redirects.
Bug fixes
- DE4532 Admin: The pager show in the data space overview now works correctly.
- DE4501 OrderShipmentAddress control: Country name is now returned for the appropriate language.
- DE4536 ShipmentPrompt: The correct delivery form is now selected when calculating delivery fee from the product details page #2017053110000105
- DE4460 Gift cards: Redeemed gift card amount is now displayed correcty with currency first - e.g. "DKK 100,00".
- DE4589 Pricing: Previous/List price now adhere to the VAT setup when from salesprice. Previously it would always add VAT when displaying these values.
- DE4445 Shopmenu control: Depth attribute now behaves as documented #2017050310000097
- DE4574 ShipmentPrompt: Collect-at-store is now also respected after emptying basket #2017021510000034
- DE4576 Admin: Shopadmin no longer crashes when trying to create a new payment method.
- DE4578 Checkout: The shop now supports showing payment/delivery method controls in any order #2017061310000067
- DE4046 Runtime value: Customer:Country now shows the country name for the current language (if it exists) - otherwise it returns the English translation. Previously it would always return the Danish translation.
- DE4464 Emails: New top-level domains are now supported (e.g. ".design"). Previously such email addresses would not receive any e-mails from the shop. #2017051010000074
- DE4549 Viewstate: Some shops would experience a "viewstate load failed" error - this is now handled gracefully rather than showing the error #2017052610000035
01/06/2017 eSellerCloud web, Version 1.8 SB4_Rel, build 134
Besides various changes optimizing performance and stability, eSeller Cloud was updated with the following changes:
New features
- Comprehensive performance optimization specifically targeting shops with many product menus with images and product list pages containing many products and the price filter.
- US15279 - QuickPayV10: Support for allowing payment gateway to add fee.
It is now possible to allow QuickPay to calculate and add payment fee to the order - see the updated documentation here.
- US15505 Performance optimization for huge product lists
Bug fixes
- DE4412 PriceRunner feed now shows the correct deliveryTime text for products that are not stock bound #201704121000007
- DE4424 301 Redirects: Priority of rules is now considered before matching, improving performance of looking up matching URLs.
- DE4348 Export wizard: Sales order CSV export OrderID filter now use order number (rather than the internal "orderhead ID").
- DE4337 Shopadmin: Product name length is now consistent so that the same length is supported by integration and shopadmin #2017032010000068
- DE4260 Admin: Import queue view now displays the correct "queued" date.
- DE4178 Basket API: SessionHash in contextValues cookie is now updated correctly on POST/PUT/DELETE, which ensures that basket contents are not cached.
- DE4353 Search now considers enabled/visibility flags of product menus to decide whether a product is searchable - read about it here #2017032310000044
01/06/2017 eSellerCloud web, Version 1.8 SB4_Rel_Ftp, build 4 (FTP)
Besides various changes optimizing performance and stability, eSeller Cloud was updated with the following changes:
Bug fixes
- DE4470 - An import error no longer occurs when product collection IDs are referenced with a different letter case than it was defined with (it is now case insensitive as it is the case for all IDs).
- DE4515 - Data space tables are no longer occasionally duplicated.
11/04/2017 eSellerCloud web, Version 1.8 SB4_Rel, build 117
Besides various changes optimizing performance and stability, eSeller Cloud was updated with the following changes:
New features
- DE4374 Coupon: Shopadmin now allows creating coupon codes valid for only one day - just specify the same start and end date.
Bug fixes
- DE4319 The shop no longer display cached delivery fees in the list of delivery methods in checkout #2017031310000045
- DE4318 Basket: The shop now ensures that a payment address is specified if an error occurs during checkout #2017031410000071 | 2017031510000087
- DE4342 Search: URL reserved parameters in search queries are now encoded correctly #2017031610000111
- DE4346 Offers: Offer e-mails sent to admin now display images correctly #2017032410000097
- DE4365 eSeller if-test tag: Custom field value comparison now returns false if custom field is empty or does not exist.
- DE4375 Basket API: Performance optimization for baskets containing coupon lines #2017032910000024
24/03/2017 eSellerCloud web, Version 1.81a SB4_Rel_Ftp, build 1 (FTP)
New features
This FTP update contains comprehensive performance optimization:
Retry upon timeout
One of the noticeable new features is improved resilience against import timeouts. Now, when an import fails due to a timeout, the integration will re-try the import up to two times before giving up and failing the import.
Many times when an import fails due to timeout, it is caused by it colliding with another transaction, e.g. a maintenance job running on the SQL, and by retrying the import just a few minutes later in most cases the import will succeed.
This means that we experience a lot less import fails due to timeout and that the integration is running a lot more stable.
Deleting entities from integration
As mentioned above we’ve rewritten the way the integration handles deletions, which means that now the integration is able to delete large quantities of entities within a few minutes.
As an example, the new FTP completed a “full integration” file of 756 MB deleting 112.076 custom field values in only 20 min – a task that would have been impossible for the previous FTP to complete without timing out.
Performance optimization
After identifying some very specific time consuming processes for large imports, we managed to decrease the time it takes to import files significantly.
Using a specific shop as a case study (~55.000 products) we saw that the import of the nightly “FullIntegration” file decreased from 30-40 min to 15 min – an improvement of around 50%!
Moreover, we’ve observed that the file queue length is generally lower than before the update, indicating that imports generally are handled more efficiently.
These changes entail that the integration is a lot more stable as timeout failures are less likely due to performance optimization and due to the new retry feature.
- US14609 XML import: Support for deleting delivery addresses
It is now possible to delete all delivery addresses using FTP XML integration.
Bug fixes
- DE3800 XML import: Omitting EAN number field in import file no longer deletes value for variant
It is now possible to omit the EAN number field when importing variants.
- DE4028 XML gift card export: Gift card transactions now display shop group ID from the data origin when getting data as a data origin login
Previously it displayed the internal shop group ID, which external systems do not know.
16/03/2017 eSellerCloud web, Version 1.8 SB4_Rel, build 112
Besides various changes optimizing performance and stability, eSeller Cloud was updated with the following changes:
Bug fixes
- DE4311 Basket API: Basket is now recalculated correctly when using PUT #2017031010000051
14/03/2017 eSellerCloud web, Version 1.8 SB4_Rel, build 105
Besides various changes optimizing performance and stability, eSeller Cloud was updated with the following changes:
New on docs
- Variant Cloud definitions was updated to v. 1.1
New features
- US12876 Import/export wizard: Support for importing/exporting multiple customer discount or price groups
- US15109 Basket API: Basket API now returns more messages on POST and PUT
Bug fixes
- DE4180 Admin: Coupons product selector now supports filtering selection by search #2017020310000101
- DE4231 Feeds: Downloading feed file from admin no longer results in empty file #2017022010000104
- DE4201 Checkout: Changing zip code using address lookup now correctly triggers delivery fee recalculation #2016091510000327
- DE4200 Basket administrator: Basket administrator now handle baskets with user values correctly
- DE4262 301 redirects: Regex redirects now only match if the entire URL is matched #2017022410000099
- DE4267 Checkout: Fixes a problem where sometimes a 500 error would occur during checkout #2017022810000224
- DE4206 Basket: Problem with basket sometimes being emptied when searching is fixed
- DE4193 Cache: Problem with JSON results containing BOM products missing info in cachekey #2017012410000304
- DE4209 Consignor shipment prompt: The shop now selects the proper delivery method when selecting "collect-at-store" in the shipment prompt #2017021510000034
- DE4277 Export wizard: Exporting products now exports correct isConfiguredProduct value #2017030210000093
- DE4260 Admin: Integration log queue now uses proper "queued" date
14/03/2017 eSellerCloud web, Version 1.8 SB4_Rel, build 103 (FTP)
New features
- US15205 Integration: Imports that fail due to timeout now retry up to two times
- US15208 Integration: Added logging for timed out imports
Bug fixes
- DE4176 XML import: Importing no product collections for a shop group now correctly deletes all product collections for that shop group (fullIntegration)
10/02/2017 eSellerCloud web, Version 1.8 SB4_Rel, build 95 (FTP)
Besides various changes optimizing performance and stability, eSeller Cloud FTP was updated with the following changes:
Bug fixes
DE4143 Data space: Importing data space tables with row IDs containing reserved characters is now supported
08/02/2017 eSellerCloud web, Version 1.8 SB4_Rel, build 95
Besides various changes optimizing performance and stability, eSeller Cloud was updated with the following changes:
New features
- US14836 New payment system: Support for DIBS D2 FlexWin
Read more about it here.
- DE4076 Basket: Basket selector control improvements for shops supporting multiple cuncurrent baskets.
- DE4130 Shopadmin: When viewing all product collections in shopadmin, it now filters the view so only product collections related to the current shop group are shown.
Bug fixes
- DE4140 Basket: Inventory suspension setting is now fetched properly from context upon login
- DE4107 Connection to basket is no longer lost when creating login #2017010510000055
- DE4132 Export wizard: Error when exporting sales prices
- DE4104 Search now delivers correct results when searching within limited product scope #2016122010000383
- DE3827 Delivery zip code shipment prompt now works correcly #2016091510000327
- DE4127 Shopadmin: An error no longer occurs when attempting to access import/export of 301 redirects #2017011810000067 #2017011810000012
- DE4102 Problem with some shops occasionally showing "Invalid viewstate" error is now resolved
- DE4081 Shopadmin: Shipment method VAT group changes are now visible immediately #2016122310000047
18/01/2017 eSellerCloud web, Version 1.8 SB4_Rel, build 87 (FTP)
New features
- US11136 Custom Fields: Validation of custom field values according to type
Custom field values are now validated according to type, ensuring data integrity.
- US13373 XML import: Support for specifying LowInStockQuantity for products
- US13487 XML import: Set country visibility from integration
It is now possible to activate countries from integration rather than having to do this in admin after import. Use the new enabled field.
- US13764 XML import: Support for importing menu alternate description #2016103010000037 | #2016121610000113
Integration now supports importing menu alternate description.
- DE2926 XML Export: Performance optimization for exporting orders
- US13956 XML Import: Support of importId per import job
It is now possible to specify an importId attribute for the integrationData element. This ID will be shown in the integration log in shopadmin, making it easier to identify files imported from the ERP system.
- US13935 XML export: Order XML now contains hostname of the shop for which the order was placed.
Bug fixes
- Problem with deleting product files that do not exist #2016120910000341
- DE3866 Data space: Improvements to import, optimizing import of very large data space files (> 100 MB)
- DE3606 XML import: It is now possible to remove "billToCustomerId" of a customer by leaving the field empty in import.
16/01/2017 eSellerCloud web, Version 1.8 SB4_Rel, build 87
Besides various changes optimizing performance and stability, eSeller Cloud was updated with the following changes:
New on docs
Variant Cloud B2B and B2A portals standard definition
The standards definition of the Variant Cloud B2B and B2A portals is now available here on docs.
New features
- US14362 Productmenus: Support for hiding empty product menus
The shop now supports hiding empty product menus by specifying the new "hidden" value in the "EmptyProductMenues" attribute. See the updated documentation on the control here.
- US13558 Shopadmin: Button for re-sending order confirmation e-mail
From the shop administration it is now possible to re-send order confirmation emails.
- DE4043 Product list performance optimization specifically targeting creation of product filters.
Bug fixes
- DE4047 Import wizard: Importing related products sometimes failed
A problem with the shop administration import wizard meant that sometimes importing related products failed.
- DE3975 Shopadmin: New users are shown as accepted in admin before having accepted
A problem caused newly invited shopadmin users to be shown as having accepted the invitation before they had.
- DE4014 Data space: Example link in shop administration now works correctly
- DE3988 Export wizard: Customer export performance optimization #2016070510000028
Performance optimization has been made, so it now works a lot quicker.
- DE3989 Shopadmin: Problem with selecting available products for coupons #2016112410000038
A problem with the product picker in shopadmin would sometimes prevent the user from selecting the "select all" option when selecting products eligible to a coupon template.
- DE4067 GiftCards: Problem with creating gift cards when using QuickPay v10
In some cases there would be a problem with creating new gift cards from the shop when paying with a QuickPay v10 payment system.
- DE4075 Custom fields: Problem with showing custom field decimal value using runtime values #2016120810000021
Custom fields values of type decimal are now shown correctly if shown using runtime values.
- DE4045 ShipmentAddress control: Make selection of shipment address more strict
In some setups the shipment address control would not respect the settings of shipment addresses.
- DE4002 Basket: Make basket aware of changes on customer #2016112110000043
Basket now gets customer e-mail address from the login rather than from customer (if specified). Basket now also checks and updates data, if changes have occurred on the customer.
- Shopadmin no longer (wrongfully) says that an order confirmation e-mail was sent when accessing an order page #2016122910000063
03/01/2017 eSellerCloud web, Version 1.8 SB4_Rel, build 81
Bug fixes
- DE4073: Problem with delivery fees #2016120710000087
23/11/2016 eSellerCloud web, Version 1.8 SB4_Rel, build 69
New features
- Performance optimization targeting product lists in preparation for Black Friday and Christmas.
- Shopadmin now displays sales price and line discount validity date times (before it only displayed dates). Note that these times are displayed in UTC+01:00 timezone.
17/11/2016 eSellerCloud web, Version 1.8 SB4_Rel, build 66
Besides various changes optimizing performance and stability, eSeller Cloud was updated with the following changes:
New on docs
- Data space feature documentation.
New features
- US14452: Basket API - Include basket line PriceCalculationDate in response when getting lines
PriceCalculationDate is now included when getting basket lines using the basket API.
- US14450: VIKING - Send OK to all 201 responses
The shop now handles 201 responses from VIKING as if the response is OK.
- DE3878: Return URL for add-to-basket and add-to-favorites buttons now include anchor tags in URL
Add-to-basket and add-to-favorite buttons created using eSeller controls now include anchor tags if such exist in the URL.
- US14088 B2A: Support for resetting salesperson password from shop front
Using the new eSeller Control "SalespersonLoginPasswordReminder" it is possible for salespersons to reset password from the shop front (much like it is possible for login customers).
- US13954: Move validation of DeliveryDate to Basket #2016042610003134
Checkouts requiring the customer to select delivery date are now validated in basket to ensure proper validation.
- DE2487 Admin wizard: Performance improvements to 301 redirect import
Importing 301 redirects using the import wizard in shopadmin is now much faster.
- US13947 Related products: Shopadmin support of related products sort order
The shop administration now supports specifying sort order for related products.
- US13716 Shopadmin: Improve coupon code export UI
The new select option "All on page" allows for selecting all coupon codes on the current page. The select option "All" now selects all coupon codes from all pages.
- US9867 Integration log: Improvements to import transparancy
The integration log now displays import job start/enddate as well as imported file name. Moreover the new queue view makes it possible to see the queue of files waiting to be imported to the shop.
- US13319 Data Space: Shopadmin UI for displaying data spaces
A list of data space tables for the account is now visible at Integration > Import/Export > Data space
- US14382 Shopadmin: Various improvements to salesperson administration page
- US13675: Product collections - shopadmin UI
At product editing in shopadmin it is now possible to see which product collections a product is related to.
At Stock > Product collections you can see all product collections for an account as well as which customers/salespersons/products are related to them.
- Improvements to the search service, adding stability and improved index queue.
Bug fixes
- DE3950: Basket API lineAmount correction
- DE3932 Basket API allows for negative lines, which should be disallowed #2016110110000189
Basket API will now return a 400 "Bad request" if quantity < 0.
- DE3942: ShopMenu control - Menu images disappear due to caching
- DE3915: Offers - Images in offer e-mails get only relative references #2016102410000076
Image references in offer e-mails are now generated correctly.
- DE3816: Line discounts - validity enddate is now inclusive (as documented)
- DE3705: Product variant filters are not synchronized when created manually in ShopAdmin #2016090710000021
Due to a problem with synchronization some variant filter values were sometimes not visible in filters.
- US11136 Custom Fields: Validation of custom field values according to type
When creating custom field values in the shop administration the value is now validated according to the data type of the custom field (e.g. Integer).
- DE3541 Filters: Variant filters do not seem to respect stock status of variants #2016080110000221
Variant filters did not consider stock level of variants when determining whether to include values in the filter.
- DE3499 CMS editor: e-mail links are treated as relative links #2016050410001738
A problem caused some links in order confirmation e-mails to become invalid.
- DE3951 Import wizard: More error information is now displayed if customer import fails
- DE3664 Shopadmin: Exception when changing sort order of layout files
On some accounts shopadmin would fail when changing sort order of layout files.
- DE3559 Shop copy: CSS files seem to be incomplete when copying shop
- DE3418 Shopadmin: Exception when creating shopadmin user #2016041510000096
- DE3852 Shopadmin: XSL file manager sometimes behave strangely
At times the XSL manager in shopadmin would duplicate the links to XSL files.
- DE3560 Customer template: Shopadmin no longer displays wrong customer vat group for customer template (country) #2016060110000091
- DE3564 Shopadmin: Salesperson edit page no longer says "The file was not found" even though no image is uploaded
- US14341 Basket: Remembering basket for salesperson #2016083110000012
A problem caused some salespersons not to remember baskets, even though shop settings meant that they should.
- DE2722 Custom field value in invalid format causes ShopFront crash
Now runtime values returning invalid custom field values return an empty string.
13/09/2016 eSellerCloud web, Version 1.8 SB4_Rel, build 73
Besides various changes optimizing performance and stability, eSeller Cloud was updated with the following changes:
New on docs
- Bill of materials feature documentation.
New features
Support for HTTP2
eSeller Cloud has been updated to support the HTTP2 protocol. This means that sites that are running SSL can now take advantage of the performance gains offered by the HTTP2 protocol. Please note that SSL is required to utilize HTTP2 and that the protocol is automatically enable when SSL is installed.
- FTP image upload: Allow for the delimiter character to be used in the filename section - see the updated documentation here.
- Updates regarding VIKING integration.
30/08/2016 eSellerCloud web, Version 1.8 SB4_Rel, build 57
This is a major update containing a great amount of performance optimization and new awesome features.
New features
- US13250: Basket API
The new basket API makes adding to basket a breeze - no annoying postbacks (where the page jumps to the top after adding to basket). Moreover, the basket may now be designed in any way imaginable - 100% free styling. The basket API allows for a much smoother user experience, as products are swiftly added to the basket without interrupting the users' browsing. Documentation is on its way!
- US13317: Data Space
With the new Data Space feature it is possible to import virtually any kind of data to the shop, e.g. PDFs, invoice information or customer information - and display it in the shop anywhere you like. Documentation is on its way!
- US13029: Context API
The new Context API allows the shop to change settings about the context so that settings such as price calculation date, price list ID and suspending inventory check are available from the shop front. Documentation is on its way!
- US13901: JSON order list API
The new JSON order list API returns a list of all orders and their contents for the currently logged-in customer - for instance to use for displaying order history for customers. Due to the JSON format there are no limitations to design or styling. Documentation is on its way!
- US13943: Related products - sort order
The shop now supports specifying sort order for related products, thus controlling the order in which related products are shown in the shop. A new <sortOrder> element has been added to the <relatedProducts> element - see the updated schema documentation.
- US12904: Bill of materials (BOM)
A bill of materials product (BOM product) is a product that contain other products, thus enabling the customer to add a collection of products to the basket in one go.
Example use cases are assembly kits or bundles, where multiple products are purchased together, e.g.:
- PlayStation starter bundle that contains 5 products; 1 PlayStation, 2 controllers, 1 action game and 1 adventure game.
- Repair kit for a bicycle.
- DIY outdoor pizza oven.
- Outdoor furniture set with tables and chairs.
Note that BOM products are only supported by shops using the basket API - read the documentation here!
13/07/2016 eSellerCloud web, Version 1.7 SB4, build 253
Besides various changes optimizing performance and stability, eSeller Cloud was updated with the following changes:
New features
US13598: SSL / HTTPS: setting on domain for specifying HTTP/HTTPS #2016060110000108
A new setting on host header setup allows specifying whether to use HTTP or HTTPS for the domain.
JSONP support in DSS API
Bug fixes
DE3612 - Shopadmin: Exception when unlocking gift card #2016061610000125
DE3589 - Gift cards: problem with redeeming correct amounts #2016061310000292
DE3542 - Orders: Customer address is missing on some orders #2016052410001861
DE3603 - ShipmentAddress control in InputMode viewOnly doesn't allow saving order when empty
03/05/2016 eSellerCloud web, Version 1.7 SB4, build 246
Besides various changes optimizing performance and stability, eSeller Cloud was updated with the following changes:
New features
US12906: Search - Option to exclude product from search index
It is now possible to specify whether a product should be searchable in the shop (and indexed by webcrawlers). See the updated documentation here.
US13055: ShopMenu control - Support for TopMenu menu type
The "ShopMenu" content control now supports TopMenu menu type.
US13155: Runtime Values - Runtime value for currency DisplayCode in context container
A new runtime value is now available - <eSeller:Select Value-Of="Context:DisplayCode" />, which returns the "display code" of the currently selected currency - e.g. "$" or "kr.".
US12989: Shopadmin - product sales price overview expansion
In shopadmin it is now possible to see more information about sales prices (e.g. country)
US12987: Shopadmin - product discount line overview expansion
In shopadmin it is now possible to see more information about line discounts (e.g. country)
US12941: Shopadmin UI - Display line discounts for product discount groups
Shopadmin now also displays line discounts that apply for products due to the discount group of the product.
US12991: Shopadmin - Product filter menu must have setting to place manually in page design
Using the 'wizard' to set up product filtering menus in the design, it is now possible to see all available containers. Moreover, it is possible to select the option "manual", which means that the shop element will not be added to any page design automatically - the shop element must be added to one or more containers manually using the page designer.
JSON service: New "include" parameter
It is now possible to include properties in the JSON result that are otherwise omitted - e.g. product short description and long description.
See the updated documentation here.
US12910: JSON service - include variantDimensionMap in JSON results
Using the new "include" JSON service parameter and the "variantDimensionMap" value, it is possible to get a mapping of all variant dimensions and variant dimension values for all variants in the result set.
See the updated documentation here.
US13369: Customer editing - Shop setting for sending e-mail/updating data on customer editing in shop front
A new shop setting enables the shop to send an e-mail to a specific shop admin address when a customer changes his/her information in the shop front.
See the updated documentation here.
US13338: Variables support in eSeller tags
It is now possible to store variables in content designs for the current request. See the updated documentation on eSeller tags and runtime values.
Bug fixes
DE3438: Import wizard - Validation for product name
When importing products using the import wizard, it now correctly validates that a name is specified.
DE3430: Shopadmin - Crash when trying to create new data origin
Shopadmin no longer crashes when trying to create a new data origin.
DE3419: Shopadmin - Display appropriate message when trying to send password reset mail to customer with no login #2016041510000096
Shopadmin now displays an appropriate message when trying to send a password reset mail to a customer with no login.
DE3408: Smart search: Search suggestions must respect IsSalespriceVisibleWhenNotLoggedIn #2016041210000038
Smart search suggestions now respect the IsSalespriceVisibleWhenNotLoggedIn shop setting.
DE3324: Shop with forced login sometimes resulted in redirect loop
DE3250: Shopadmin order list - Searching in "order line information" now shows correct results
Customer login import in shopadmin wizard now complains if customer referenced is not found
DE3467: Order confirmation mail - OrderDetails must expand all order lines if IsOrderEmail=True
Variants that are added to basket using the matrix selector are now display correctly in order confirmation e-mails.
DE3406: Shopadmin - Delivery fees are sometimes displayed as duplicate in shopadmin
When setting up weight differentiated delivery fees in shopadmin, the fees sometimes appeared to be duplicated on save.
DE3397: Shopadmin: Unhandled exception when accessing line discounts for product
12/04/2016 eSellerCloud web, Version 1.7 SB4, build 238
Besides various changes optimizing performance and stability, eSeller Cloud was updated with the following changes:
Bug fixes
DE3397 Shopadmin: Unhandled exception when accessing line discounts for product #2016040810000091
DE3391 Admin wizard: Export of related products is too slow #2016040710000226
Checkout: "Customer not allowed to buy" error shown in checkout when GLS zipcode is errornously not filled in #2016040810000028
06/04/2016 eSellerCloud web, Version 1.7 SB4, build 236 - Shop & FTP
Besides various changes optimizing performance and stability, eSeller Cloud was updated with the following changes:
New features
US12439: Customer login - Merge baskets
When customers log in, the current basket contents and information (e.g. delivery address) will be merged with any existing basket on the login, preventing unintended loss of baskets - learn more about merging baskets here.
US12786: Related products - Support of multiple identical relations with different tags (Admin wizard)
Using the import wizard in the shop administration, it is now possible to make relations with multiple tags (note: also supported by XML import)
This means that it is now possible for the same product to appear on several different "related product lists".
US12737: Product Collections - Product list must use sort order
When displaying a list using one or more product collections, the sort order of the product collection will be used per default - see the documentation on Product Collections.
US12246: Shopadmin Import/Export wizard - Multiple Customer Discount or Price Groups
The shop administration import/export wizard now supports importing/exporing products with multiple customer discount groups/price groups.
New runtime value "MediaFolderPath" returns the relative path to the media folder - e.g. <eSeller:Select Value-Of="Context:MediaFolderPath"/> may return "/media/162/". Available in the context container.
US12832: Ftp Products folder configurable file name delimiter
It is now possible to specify which character to use as the file name delimiter when uploading product documents using FTP (e.g. product images) - see the documentation on bulk uploading product images.
Admin wizard import customer login now accepts password (but in import only)
Using the impor wizard in the shop administration it is now possible to import passwords for customer logins (IMPORT ONLY!).
Performance improvements: Optimization regarding price calculation
US12933, US5450: Sales prices and line discounts per shop group, location, country and price list ID
Sales prices and line discounts are now effectively differentiated per shop group, location, country and price list ID.
This means that for accounts with multiple shop groups, sales prices and line discounts should be created per shop group.
Sales prices and line discounts created/edited in the shop administration will only be created and apply for the currently selected shop group in the shop administration.
Read more about sales prices and line discounts here.
US9804: Ftp Xml Import notification rule for salesperson login
The salesperson login element now supports <notify>.
DE2986: Order export - List criteria allows for export of orders with orderstateid=1 #2015120810000051
US12105: Gift card export - transaction must contain transaction id
Gift card transactions now contain transaction ID.
US12211: Product Collections - Support of optional quantity field in import
It is now possible to specify a "suggested quantity" for products in product collections.
DE3015: Salesperson login element should be optional
When importing salespersons, the login element is no longer required - if the element is omitted, the login of the sales person will not be deleted/updated.
US9168: Order export - Include PosID in order lines
US12783: Order export - Orders with gift card payment must include productVatGroupId
<productVatGroupId> element is now also included for orders with gift card payments.
US12219: Gift Card export - Include shop group ID for transactions
Each transaction in gift card exports now include the shop group ID for which the transaction was made.
Bug fixes
DE3294: Shopadmin - Error when saving country
DE3295: Customer "canBuy" setting must be more strict
DE3277: Checkout - Country selector is sometimes empty
Problem with forced login redirection after authenticating
For shops using forced login, the user was not always redirected properly to the landing page.
DE2459: Location relation is missing when importing as shopadmin/ftp login
DE2305: Ftp should give appropriate error message when damaged/unsupported image files are uploaded
When importing a damaged/unsupported image using FTP, the message "Out of memory" would be returned. Now it returns a proper message.
DE2991: XML Import - Importing productVariant sales price saves wrong currency
DE3049: FTP integration - products are not correctly assigned to menu #2015122910003357
DE3164: Import error - Referential constraint for no apparent reason
DE2962: Gift card export - transaction balance shows 0 when it should show current balance
For gift card export, all transactions now display the correct balance.
DE3055 FTP - Error executing ftp request #2016011710004772
DE3190: Import - Length of custom field localized and native value length must be validated by schema
Xml import customer login, duplicate username did not tell on what (existing) customer the duplicate login was found.
DE3253: XML import - Cannot remove all related product relations from import #2016030110003174
DE3262: FTP - wrong response to "cd .." command
The FTP now correctly directs to parent directory when using "cd .." command.
DE3315: XML import - Variant type value sort order is not updated from import
When changing sort order for variant type values, this is now updated correctly in the shop.
03/03/2016: eSellerCloud web, Version 1.7 SB4, build 226
Besides various changes optimizing performance and stability, eSeller Cloud was updated with the following changes:
New on docs
An article describing how to use Google e-mail markup to trigger Google Now cards and Indbox highlighting of order confirmation e-mails: Google e-mail markup
Documentation of Product Collections
An article about SEO and eSeller Cloud - SEO: Search Engine Optimization
A short article describing how to use JSON-P with the JSON product service
New features
US11177: New runtime values for Order
- TotalOrderAmount
- TotalOrderAmountFormatted
- TotalOrderAmountExVat
- TotalOrderAmountExVatFormatted
- TotalOrderVatAmount
- TotalOrderVatAmountFormatted
US12135: 301 redirects - Prevent bad redirects from being created
Prevents simple redirects containing regular expression from being created.
US11377: Descriptive text support by salesprices product variant
Add a descriptive text to variant sales prices.
US11837: 301 Redirects - Improved Transparency - Creating / editing redirect rules: Test URL behaviour change
Makes it easier to test, whether a redirect you are creating matches a specific URL.
US12020: JSON Product List - Products and ProductVariants must support pEId and pLId parameters
JSON services "Products" and "ProductVariants" now support using ext. product ID and lifetime ID of product(s) in calls - see the updated documentation here!
US11815: Enable export and import customer login from shopadmin import/export wizard
The shop administration import/export wizard now supports importing and exporting customer logins (not passwords!) in CSV format.
US10894: Integration log job identification
Each entry in the integration log now has an ID for easier identification of integration jobs.
US12214: Shopadmin - Product collections for customers/salespersons
In the shop administration it is now possible to see, which product collections apply for a customer/salesperson.
US9597: New DataProvider, that lists products based on named product collection
Create product lists at any page in the shop using product collections, for instance "New products", "Black Friday offers" or "Front page products" - Read more here!
US12213: Import/Export product collections via shopadmin wizard
Import and export product collections in CSV format using the shop administration wizard - Read more here!
US11297: JSON-P support
JSON product service calls now support JSON-P, enabling cross-domain requests, e.g. displaying products from the JSON service on a blog at a different domain than the webshop.
US12608: Control type "ProductImages" should add "alt" attribute to thumbnail images
All images rendered by the "ProductImages" control now includes an "alt" tag - improves SEO
US10624: Quickpay - v10 API "Capture" Subscription support
QuickPay v10 in eSeller Cloud now supports subscription payments (BETA). Find the updated documentation here!
US12244: Multiple Customer Discount or Price Groups - Implement shopadmin UI
From the shop administration it is now possible to see/assign multiple discount groups/price groups for customers.
US12740 - Product Collections: Display quantity in JSON result - "suggestedQuantity"
JSON result now contains a suggestedQuantity property holding the quantity of a product for a specific product collection.
Bug fixes
US11031: JSON search result to include listing of menus and articles Fixes
DE2918: Giftcards - When gift cards are unlocked, this should be logged to the gift card history
DE2595: JSON api throws an exception when invalid VariantDimensionSetValueID is specified in call
DE2546: 301 redirects admin: some characters in redirects are not displayed in admin
DE2979: Import wizard - Unhandled exception on import of 301 redirects
DE2994: Gift cards - When gift cards expire the balance must become 0
DE2653: 500 server error code is returned when 503 is expected on timeout(s) in shopfront (and shopadmin).
DE3042: Shopadmin: enforce visibility restrictions for variant types
DE3126: Import wizard: Importing Product menus using the import wizard results in 1 indexing job per menu
DE3154: JSON - "Products" service linkURL should use SEOMenuItemID #2016012710000846
DE2984: FTP logins must be unique across type (dataorigin/accountlogin) and account
DE3030: Variant values are not sorted according to uiSortOrder #2015121110000081
DE3207: VariantDimensionsetValues are not updated when variantDimensionValue name is changed #2016021710001844
DE3114: Search index: Index for products/productmenus/cmsmenus is not updated when entities are updated from shop admin #2016012510001885
DE3246: Problem with saving infomenu for other languages - "Bookmark has to be unique within the shop" #2015041610000131
DE3236: Variant filter: VariantTypeValue is not found in VariantDimensionSet #2016021910003991
DE3151: Product export wizard: SortOrder is 0 for all products #2016020310001861
10/02/2016: eSellerCloud web, Version 1.7 SB4, build 200
Besides different changes optimizing performance and stability, eSeller Cloud was updated with the following changes:
New features
US12577: JSON product list custom field values matching extended with range matching capability
The JSON service now support specifying custom field filters as ranges using tilde ("~") - see the updated documentation of the JSON product list.
US12443: Basket recovery
The basket recovery feature allows for “lost” or forgotten baskets to be recovered, even if the shop is not set up to remember baskets, simply by clicking a link.
For more information, see the documentation of basket recovery.
28/01/2016: eSellerCloud web, Version 1.7 SB4, build 197
Besides different changes optimizing performance and stability, eSeller Cloud was updated with the following changes:
Bug fixes
DE2912: Fixed error when using eSeller tag to test datetime
DE3102: Product feeds - Change heartbeat to every 20 seconds to avoid timeout on large feeds
22/01/2016: eSellerCloud web, Version 1.7 SB4, build 195
Besides different changes optimizing performance and stability, eSeller Cloud was updated with the following changes:
Bug fixes
DE3092: eSeller If test= comparison fails on expression "basket:itemCount="1"" when basket item count is zero (evaluates true)
DE3093: Remote cache - Improved connection monitoring and recovery.
18/01/2016 (FTP): eSellerCloud web, Version 1.7 SB4, build 185 (FTP)
Besides different changes optimizing performance and stability of the FTP, eSeller Cloud was updated with the following changes:
New on docs
A guide describing how to easily create 301 redirects for product URLs from an old eSeller Cloud webshop to a new eSeller Cloud webshop: Product URL migration from one eSeller Cloud webshop to another
New features
US10345 Multiple Customer Discount or Price Groups
- It is now possible to assign customers to multiple customer discount groups and customer price groups.
See the updated XML schema documentation. When specifying customer price groups and/or customer discount groups, we recommend using the new <customerPriceGroups> / <customerDiscountGroups> notation.
Support for <smallestSalesUnit> on product import.
18/01/2016: eSellerCloud web, Version 1.7 SB4, build 184
Besides various performance improvements, eSeller Cloud has been updated with the following changes:
New features
US10345 Multiple Customer Discount or Price Groups
- It is now possible to assign customers to multiple customer discount groups and customer price groups, thus making it possible for multiple sales prices and line discounts to qualify for customers based on their association with different discount- and/or price groups.
Improved price calculation logic - see the updated documentation here.
03/12/2015: eSellerCloud web, Version 1.7 SB4, build 179
Besides various performance improvements, eSeller Cloud has been updated with the following changes:
New features
US11031 JSON search result support of including listing of menus and articles
- The JSON search result now includes product menus and articles (CMS menus). Note that this feature is still in BETA.
US11433 301 Redirects: Improved Transparency - Update tool to use updated redirect module
- The 301 testing tool in the shop administration now display the same behaviour as the shop front, making the tool better and more reliable.
Bug fixes
DE2936 CMS editor now handles links when the value of <a href=""> is invalid
02/12/2015 (FTP): eSellerCloud web, Version 1.7 SB4, build 179
Besides different changes optimizing performance and stability of the FTP, eSeller Cloud was updated with the following changes:
New on docs
A new version of XSL files is available on docs (V2.3) - added support for <dateReady> on order export and <transactionId> on payment transaction export - find it here.
New features
US11445 PaymentCapture xml must have payment transaction id
- <transactionId> is now included in payment transactions exports.
US11784 Order export: Must contain new dateReady element + CreatedBetween/CreatedSince must filter on dateReady
- Order export XML now contains the <dateReady> element (date-time when the order is ready for processing, e.g. export) - see the documentation here.
- Order export criteria files (CreatedBetween/CreatedSince) now filter based on <dateReady> rather than <date>.
Note that for all shops NOT using the QuickPay v10 payment system, <date> and <dateReady> are always identical.
DE2565 Ftp performance optimization - improved memory handling
US10739 FTP image import: Support for changing sort order of product images
- Using FTP product image upload it is now possible to change the sort order of product images - see the updated documentation here ("Changing sort order of images”).
US10102 XML import: integration scope updateOnly prevents entities from being deleted
- All imports using integrationScope “updateOnly”, and a delete-statement for an entity under this scope will now fail.
Bug Fixes
DE2685 XML import: Import no longer fails when importing favoriteList with empty username element
DE2803 XML import: Deleting salesperson with customer relation no longer fails
DE2765 XML import: Problem with customer import fixed "Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'CustomerID'"
DE2696 XML import: All changes are now rolled back when import of salesperson-customer relation fails
DE2919 FTP image import: File size is now updated correctly when replacing files
25/11/2015: eSellerCloud web, Version 1.7 SB4, build 176
This update contains improvements that particularly relate to the checkout process - lowering load times and improving stability.
New on docs
- Check out the updated documentation on QuickPay v10.
New features
US11713 OPTIMIZATION: Improve speed in checkout process
US11855 QuickPay v10: Test card rejection must be based on exp month + year (BETA)
US11840 QuickPay v10: Testcard handling / rejection + order history improvement (BETA)
US11784 QuickPay v10: DateReady on orders (BETA)
DE2550 Shopadmin: Order history times and order list now use DateApproved converted to local timezone
31/11/2015: eSellerCloud web, Version 1.7 SB4, build 174
This update includes some very significant performance improvements:
Performance measurements made before and after the update shows that on average the load time for front pages has decreased by approx. 50% and the load time for product lists has decreased with approx. 40% after the update!
The optimization has impacted the SQL - the number of requests to the database has decreased by approx. 40%.
New features
US11576 Performance optimization
US10295 Quickpay - v10 quickpay platform implementation (BETA)
- Note that this feature is in BETA release, which means that it should NOT be used without consulting with ScanCommerce.
- Read the QuickPay v10 documentation here.
DE2616 CSS files: The shop now supports CSS file names up to 250 chars
DE2818 Data Origin: Logic for ensuring unique data origin username is now case sensitive
Bug fixes
DE2859 JSON product list: non-localizable custom field values no longer display null value in JSON result
DE2845 Stocklevel: variant product stock status is now updated correctly when creating/deleting/updating product variants
DE2844 Customer creation: The shop now handles when no country is specified for a new customer login
DE2727 Remove redundant order confirmation mail content design selector
- Content design for order confirmation mail to customer must be configured at Base setup > Company info > Email addresses.
DE2721 CMS editor: IE11 - adding link to image no longer substitutes image with link reference
This update contains a lot of fixes and performance improvements regarding product filters.
New features
US11072 Filters: Implement logic for excluding unused filter values
Filter values that are not applicable to the current list are no longer rendered in the HTML. This makes the pages significantly smaller and improves SEO.
US10519 Xml import xsd schema revision according to unused import elements
US11017 ShopFront shipment country must default to payment country
- When specifying a specific delivery address, it now defaults to the country of the payment address.
The JSON search result feature (including filtering and sorting) is now released to BETA
- This feature enables the webdesigner to implement the search result list as a proper JSON list, including the possibility of adding filtering / sorting controls to the list - see the updated documentation for Smart Search and the JSON product list.
Bug fixes
DE2728 Product filters: Selecting incompatible filter values before postback results in empty locked list
DE2729 Product filters: Selecting filter values that contain "+" results in empty json product list
DE2731 JSON search result filtering: Selected filter values are not reset upon new search
DE2801 Search Result Filters: Filter values must not be cached for search result lists
DE2857 Filters: Unexpected behaviour on filtering values
DE2850 JSON: TestMode = true double encodes filter values
DE2791 Filters: Filter values now display the correct total
DE2503 Sales prices now respects currency specification rules
DE2489 Improve indexing related to product and menu import from shop admin wizard
DE2834 Smart search no longer ignores visibility options for info menus #2015102710000698
Performance optimization and minor bug fixes.
Bug fixes
DE2779 Error in redirecthandler #2015101210002473
DE2737 Line discount for product variants now works correctly
New on docs
A new article has been published on docs: Importing variant products via the FTP XML import.
The JSON product list documentation has been updated so that it is easier to see which properties apply to the different services.
New features
DE2718 Customer and Salesperson identification must be provided to json product list
- These changes mainly relate to the JSON product service and address an issue where wrong product lists were retrieved when customers/salespersons were logged in.
The changes require that for shops with login functionality (both customer an/or salesperson), it must be ensured that calls made to the JSON service contain the “customerId” parameter and that this parameter holds a proper authorization token with which the shop is able to establish whether someone is logged in, as well as who is logged in (in order to get correct prices etc.).
- This authorization token can be retrieved from the new runtime values “AuthToken” and “AuthTokenUrlEncoded” (which is just the URL encoded version of “AuthToken”) - these runtime values are found in the “context” container - find it here.
Note that backwards compatibility is ensured - this means that if the “customerId” parameter is not specified / empty / 0, the shop will get the product list as if no one is logged in.
- Example of old call:
- Example of new call:
The JSON product service now supports the parameter “context” which is a value defined by the client and echoed by the server in the JSON result. This parameter can be used to correlate responses with requests - especially useful in situations where batches of requests are made - see the Google JSON style guide.
yields a result containing the specified “context”:
{ "apiVersion": "1.0", "id": null, "context": "frontPageProducts”, "data": { … } }
Bug fixes
DE2725 Smart search now respects customer / sales person product scope
DE2733 Occationally slow Add-to-basket fixed #2015092510001309
17/09/2015 (FTP)
The update contains various perfomance optimization, stability improvements as well as the following changes:
New features
US10163: Ftp xml import: Possibility to import salesperson/customer relation
- Support for creating salesperson-customer relations via XML import.
See the updated schema documentation here.
US10435: Ftp xml import - customer element - shopGroup-login sub element behaviour change - New notation for importing customer logins (backwards compatibility has been ensured).
Why this behaviour change?
Using the new notation (nesting the <login> elements inside the <logins> element), it is now possible to import customers with existing logins without having to include the customer logins in the import file (with the previous behaviour, omitting the logins would delete them).
— We encourage all to use the new notation, giving full control over the customer logins —
Observe the following new behaviour (when the <shopGroup> element is specified):
- Specifying both <login> (the old notation) and <logins> (the new notation) on same level (sub element to <shopGroup>) will result in an import error - you must use either the new notation or the old notation.
- No <login> nor <logins> element present (as sub element to <shopGroup>): logins are neither altered nor deleted.
- One or more "login" element(s) present (as sub element(s) to <shopGroup>): logins are updated - existing logins for the customer not specified in the import file will be deleted (provided they are owned by the data origin).
- If <logins> is present:
* No <login> sub elements are present: Any logins on the customer are deleted (provided they are owned by the data origin).
* One or more <login> sub element(s) are present: Logins are updated - existing logins for the customer not specified in the import file will be deleted (provided they are owned by the data origin).
See the full updated schema documentation here.
New features
US11008 Bookmark uniqueness per shop enforcement
US11009 Bookmark update capability for info menues
US9583 eSeller:Select to support formatting attribute
- The “format" attribute allows the front-end developer to format the value of any numeric/date-time runtime value so that it is delivered in the specified format.
<eSeller:Select Value-Of="Product:ExpectedDeliveryDate" format="dd/MM/yy" />, which delivers the expected delivery date of a product in the format dd/MM/yy (e.g. 06/10/15).
<eSeller:Select Value-Of="Product:Pricing.PreviousTagPrice" format="0.00" />, which delivers the product previous tag price in the format 0.00 (e.g. 233,50).
You find the updated documentation here.
Bug fixes
DE2674 Coupon issue: shop no longer says that coupon is inactive for certain variant products - #2015081810067862
DE2389: Product feed - "Virtual" delivery now considers product delivery type
DE2693 Locations: enforcement of respecting current location #2015082710000504