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1 Topics
Last post 02 April 2014 By Carsten E. Madsen

eSeller Tags

eSeller Tags can be placed in the definition of content designs and make it possible to render dynamically created content.


<eSeller:Select />Displays content dependent on current data.
<eSeller:Control />Displays complex content defined by a content control. Other possible attributes are specified by the control types.
<eSeller:HtmlElement />The eSeller:HtmlElement makes it possible to construct HTML elements using eSeller tags. eSeller:HtmlElement can be used with the eSeller:Attribute tag to define attributed for the HTML elements.
<eSeller:Attribute />The eSeller:Attribute makes it possible to construct HTML elements with attributes using eSeller tags. The eSeller:Attribute tag must be placed immediately after the <eSeller:HtmlElement> tag (first child). The eSeller:Attribute makes it possible to insert variable values (Runtime values) as HTML attribute values.
<eSeller:ShopIcon />Displays a shop icon. Note that shop icons will only be displayed if these are enabled in shop settings.
<eSeller:Data />The eSeller:Data tag makes data available that is not available via the normal runtime values. Currently the data types "OrderHead" and "InvoiceHead" are supported which make data available about orders and invoices. These data tags are used by the runtime values located in the Data_[OrderHeadID] and Data_[InvoiceHeadID] runtime value containers. Moreover, the data tags are necessary for the functionality of some controls, e.g. "OrderDetails" or "InvoiceTotals". Additional possible attributes are specified by the data types.
<eSeller:FavoritesButton />Displays a button for adding a product to the favorites list.
<eSeller:BasketButton />Displays a button for adding a product to the basket.
<eSeller:Email />Makes it possible to set the subject, to-address, bcc-address and cc-address of customer e-mails such as order confirmation mails and gift card mails.
<eSeller:SetVar>Sets a variable to use in the content design. The variable is only available for the current request.


<eSeller:If />If condition (If x then y). The code within the eSeller:If element will only execute if the condition set is true.
<eSeller:IfAnd />If-And condition (If x AND y then z). This condition must be used in conjunction with the eSeller:If tag if more than one condition must be true. Cannot be used in the same condition with eSeller:IfOr. Must be self-closing (cannot contain other elements or content). Has access to the same attributes as eSeller:If.
<eSeller:IfOr />If-Or condition (If x OR y then z). This condition must be used in conjunction with the eSeller:If tag if either of the conditions must be true. Cannot be used in the same condition with eSeller:IfOr. Must be self-closing (cannot contain other elements or content). Has access to the same attributes as eSeller:If.


<eSeller:Container />Defines a placeholder for content in the template definition, where shop elements may be added. Should be self-closing as it may not contain other elements. Is only applicable to the template definition.
<eSeller:Content />Defines a placeholder for a content design in the template definition. Should be self-closing as it may not contain other elements. Cannot contain shop elements - only a content design. Is only applicable to the template definition.
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<eSeller:Select />

Displays content dependent on current data.


TextGives access to page text entries which are defined in the Texts tab of the content design. Specifies the text key of the page text to display. The text key is limited to 100 characters of length. If the page text comes from a control, the TextSourceControlId attribute must also be specified, and this must hold the ControlID of the particular control. The Text attribute alone can access non-control dependent texts such as design defined texts. If the specified label does not exist, it will be created under "Design defined texts" under the Texts tab of the design. Design texts are limited to 4000 characters.
ValueFixed value (literal)
Value-OfDisplays the value of a specified runtime value.
TextSourceControlIdOnly applicable if the Text attribute is also specified. Specifies the ControlID of the control for which the page text should be selected.
FormatSpecifies a format for dates or other numeric values, e.g. "dd/MM/yy" for date-time values and "0.00" for numeric values such as for instance prices. You can read more about format strings at the following resources: Custom Numeric Format Strings, Custom Date and Time Format Strings.


<eSeller:Select Value-Of="Product:ProductName" />
- Displays the value of the "ProductName" runtime value in the "Product" container.
<eSeller:Select Value="Related products" />
- Displays the text "Related products".
<eSeller:Select Text="label_In_stock" TextSourceControlId="StockStatus" />
- Displays the value of the page text with the text key "label_In_stock" which comes from the control with ControlID "StockStatus".
<eSeller:Select Text="button_close_popup"/>
- Displays the value of the page text with the text key "button_close_popup" which does not come from a control but is a design defined text.
<eSeller:Select Value-Of="Product:ExpectedDeliveryDate" format="dd/MM/yy" />
- Displays the expected delivery date of a product formatted as dd/MM/yy, e.g. "06/10/15".
<eSeller:Select Value-Of="Product:Pricing.PreviousTagPrice" format="0.00" />
- Displays the previous sales price of a product in the format "0.00", e.g. "250,50".
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<eSeller:Control />

Displays complex content defined by a content control. Other possible attributes are specified by the control types.


ControlIDUnique ID of the control.
ControlTypeDefines the type of content control - e.g. "PaymentAddress".
DuplicateIDTrue if the same control ID may exist more than once in the content definition. This is useful in situations where the same control (with the same ID) exist multiple times within if-conditions that mutually exclude each other. In this case the controls with the same ID will be regarded as one instance. NOTE: at runtime in the front end, a control ID may only appear once!


<eSeller:Control ControlType="SearchBox" ControlID="SmartSearch" />
- Displays a SMART search field.
<eSeller:If IsTrue="Settings:IsCustomerLoggedIn">
	<eSeller:Ifand IsTrue="Customer:HasDeliveryAddresses" />
		<eSeller:Control ControlID="AddressDelivery" ControlType="DeliveryAddress" InputMode="Protected"/>
<eSeller:If IsFalse="Settings:IsCustomerLoggedIn">
	<eSeller:Control DuplicateID="true" ControlID="AddressDelivery" ControlType="DeliveryAddress" InputMode="Updatable"/>
- If a customer is logged in and the customer has a delivery address, the DeliveryAddress control will be displayed in Protected mode (the customer cannot change the delivery address). If the customer is not logged in, the DeliveryAddress control is displayed in Updatable mode (the customer can enter a delivery address). Note the use of the DuplicateID attribute.
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<eSeller:If />

If condition (If x then y). The code within the eSeller:If element will only execute if the condition set is true.


IsTrueIf it is true that..
IsFalseIf it is false that..
IsEmptyTests whether something is empty.
IsNotEmptyTests whether something is not empty.
IsZeroTests whether something equals 0.
IsNotZeroTests whether something does not equal 0.
IsGtZeroTests whether something is greater than 0.
IsLtZeroTests whether something is less than 0.
TestThis attribute makes it possible to create tests based on two operands and a comparison operator. Possible comparison operators are < (less than), > (greater than), <= (less than or equal to), >= (greater than or equal to), = (equal to) or <> (not equal to). Operands can be either runtime values or text surrounded by quotes (&quot;).


<eSeller:If IsTrue="Product:IsInStock" > ... </eSeller:If>
- Executes the code within the eSeller:If element if the product is in stock.
<eSeller:If IsEmpty="Product:ProductManufacturerName" > ... </eSeller:If>
- Executes the code within the eSeller:If element if the the ProductManufacturerName is empty (no manufacturer is specified for the product.
<eSeller:If IsZero="Product:Stocklevel" > ... </eSeller:If>
- Executes the code within the eSeller:If element if the the stock level of the product is 0.
<eSeller:If Test="Product:Stocklevel&lt;&quot;5&quot;"> ... </eSeller:If>
- Executes the code within the eSeller:If element if the the stock level of the product is lower than 5.
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<eSeller:IfAnd />

If-And condition (If x AND y then z). This condition must be used in conjunction with the eSeller:If tag if more than one condition must be true. Cannot be used in the same condition with eSeller:IfOr. Must be self-closing (cannot contain other elements or content). Has access to the same attributes as eSeller:If.


Same attributes as <eSeller:If/>


<eSeller:If IsTrue="Settings:IsCustomerLoggedIn"> <eSeller:IfAnd IsTrue="Customer:HasDeliveryAddresses" /> ... </eSeller:If>
- Executes the code within the eSeller:If element if a customer is logged in AND if the customer has a delivery address.
<eSeller:If IsTrue="Product:HasVariants"> <eSeller:IfAnd IsFalse="Product:IsVariant" /> <eSeller:IfAnd IsGtZero="Product:Stocklevel"/> ... </eSeller:If>
- Executes the code within the eSeller:If element if the product has variant AND if the product is not itself a variant AND if the stock level of the product is greater than 0.
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<eSeller:IfOr />

If-Or condition (If x OR y then z). This condition must be used in conjunction with the eSeller:If tag if either of the conditions must be true. Cannot be used in the same condition with eSeller:IfOr. Must be self-closing (cannot contain other elements or content). Has access to the same attributes as eSeller:If.


Same attributes as <eSeller:If/>


<eSeller:If Test="Product:CustomFields.CountryOfOrigin=&quot;Denmark&quot;"> <eSeller:IfOr Test="Product:CustomFields.CountryOfOrigin=&quot;Sweden&quot;" /> ... </eSeller:If>
- Executes the code within the eSeller:If element if the product has the custom field "CountryOfOrigin" either with the value "Denmark" or with the value "Sweden".
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<eSeller:HtmlElement />

The eSeller:HtmlElement makes it possible to construct HTML elements using eSeller tags. eSeller:HtmlElement can be used with the eSeller:Attribute tag to define attributed for the HTML elements.


TagnameThe name of the HTML element. E.g. Tagname="a" makes a <a> element.
PlacementSpecifies where the element should be placed. Accepts the values "head" or "here". "head" places the element in the HTML <head> element of the page and "here" places the element at the place where it written in the code (default).


<eSeller:HtmlElement Tagname="meta" Placement="head"> ... </eSeller:HtmlElement>
- Renders a <meta> element that contains whatever is specified within the eSeller:HtmlElement tag.
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<eSeller:Attribute />

The eSeller:Attribute makes it possible to construct HTML elements with attributes using eSeller tags. The eSeller:Attribute tag must be placed immediately after the <eSeller:HtmlElement> tag (first child). The eSeller:Attribute makes it possible to insert variable values (Runtime values) as HTML attribute values.


NameThe name of the attribute - e.g. "href".
TextGives access to page text entries which are defined in the Texts tab of the content design. Specifies the text key of the page text to display. The Text attribute can access non-control dependent texts such as design defined texts.
ValueFixed value (literal)
Value-OfDisplays the value of a specified runtime value.


<eSeller:HtmlElement Tagname="img"> 
   <eSeller:Attribute name="src" Value-Of="Product:ImageUrl(&quot;0&quot;)" /> 
- Renders a <img> element with a "src" attribute which contains the URL of the first product image of the product (number 0) - <img src="" />
 <eSeller:HtmlElement TagName="a"> 
   <eSeller:Attribute Name="class" Value="RelatedLink" /> 
   <eSeller:Attribute Name="href" Value-Of="Product:ProductRelatedLink" /> 
   <eSeller:Select Value-Of="Product:ProductRelatedLinkText" /> 
- Renders: <a href="" class="RelatedLink">Click here for more info about the product!</a>
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<eSeller:ShopIcon />

Displays a shop icon. Note that shop icons will only be displayed if these are enabled in shop settings.


ControlIDUnique ID of the control.
ShopIconTypeDefines the type of icon to display. Allowed values are: "NewProduct" or "GoodBuy".
DuplicateIDTrue if the same control ID may exist more than once in the content definition. This is useful in situations where the same control (with the same ID) exist multiple times within if-conditions that mutually exclude each other. In this case the controls with the same ID will be regarded as one instance. NOTE: at runtime in the front end, a control ID may only appear once!
IsSubmitCan be "True" or "False". If "True", the behavior of the icon is changed to perform a postback.


<eSeller:ShopIcon ShopIconType="NewProduct" ControlID="NewProductIcon" />
- Displays the NewProduct shop icon.
<eSeller:If IsTrue="Settings:ShowGoodBuyIcon" /> <eSeller:IfAnd IsTrue="Product:IsGoodBuy" /> <eSeller:ShopIcon ShopIconType="GoodBuy" ControlID="GoodBuyIcon" /> </eSeller:If>
- Displays the GoodBuy icon if this icon is enabled in shop settings AND if the product is marked as a "good buy" / bargain item.
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<eSeller:Data />

The eSeller:Data tag makes data available that is not available via the normal runtime values. Currently the data types "OrderHead" and "InvoiceHead" are supported which make data available about orders and invoices. These data tags are used by the runtime values located in the Data_[OrderHeadID] and Data_[InvoiceHeadID] runtime value containers. Moreover, the data tags are necessary for the functionality of some controls, e.g. "OrderDetails" or "InvoiceTotals". Additional possible attributes are specified by the data types.


DataIDUnique ID of the data tag.
DataTypeThe type of the data tag. Allowed values are "OrderHead" and "InvoiceHead".


<eSeller:Data DataID="Order" DataType="OrderHead" DetailsQuerystringKey="OrderNumber" />
<eSeller:Select Value-Of="Data_Order:OrderNumber" />
- Displays the order number of the currently active order (e.g. on the order detail page or order confirmation page).
<eSeller:Data DataID="Invoice" DataType="InvoiceHead" InvIdKeyName="InvoiceID"/>
<eSeller:Select Value-Of="Data_Invoice:TotalWithVAT" />
- Displays the total amount of the currently active invoice including VAT (e.g. on the invoice detail page).
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<eSeller:FavoritesButton />

Displays a button for adding a product to the favorites list.


ToolTipSets the specified text as a tooltip via the "alt" attribute on the rendered <img /> element.


<eSeller:FavoritesButton ToolTip="Click here to add to favorites!" />
- Displays an add-to-favorites button with a tooltip text (the text cannot be translated as a text key for it is not created in the Texts tab of the design).
<eSeller:FavoritesButton ControlID="btnFavorites"> <eSeller:Attribute Name="ToolTip" Text="Tooltip_add_to_favorites" /> </eSeller:FavoritesButton>
- Displays an add-to-favorites button and sets the tooltip attribute using the eSeller:Attribute tag. Thereby a text key in the Texts tab of the design is created (called "Tooltip_add_to_favorites") and hence it is possible to specify translations of the tooltip text (The tooltip text must be provided in the Texts tab of the design).
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<eSeller:BasketButton />

Displays a button for adding a product to the basket.


ToolTipSets the specified text as a tooltip via the "alt" attribute on the rendered <img /> element.
BasketTextboxPositionSpecifies where the quantity box is displayed relative to the add-to-basket button. Allowed values are: "AfterImage", "BeforeImage" and "Hidden" (the quantity box is not displayed).


<eSeller:BasketButton ToolTip="Click here to add to basket!" />
- Displays an add-to-basket button with a tooltip text (the text cannot be translated as a text key for it is not created in the Texts tab of the design).
<eSeller:BasketButton ControlID="btnBasket"> <eSeller:Attribute Name="ToolTip" Text="Tooltip_add_to_basket" /> <eSeller:Attribute Name="BasketQuantityBoxPosition" Value-Of="Product:BasketTextboxPosition" /> </eSeller:BasketButton>
- Displays an add-to-basket button and sets the tooltip attribute using the eSeller:Attribute tag. Thereby a text key in the Texts tab of the design is created (called "Tooltip_add_to_basket") and hence it is possible to specify translations of the tooltip text (The tooltip text must be provided in the Texts tab of the design). Moreover, the quantity box position is set using the runtime value "BasketTextboxPosition".
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<eSeller:Email />

Makes it possible to set the subject, to-address, bcc-address and cc-address of customer e-mails such as order confirmation mails and gift card mails.


NameSpecifies what property of the e-mail. Can be "Subject", "To", "Bcc" or "Cc".


<eSeller:Email Name="Subject">
					<eSeller:Select Text="email-subject" />
- Sets the subject of the e-mail to a text defined in "Texts" in the content design (text key is "email-subject").
<eSeller:Email Name="Subject">
					<eSeller:Select Text="email-subject" /> 
					<eSeller:Select Value-Of="Data_Order:OrderNumber" />
- Sets the subject of the e-mail to a text defined in "Texts" in the content design and the order number.
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<eSeller:Container />

Defines a placeholder for content in the template definition, where shop elements may be added. Should be self-closing as it may not contain other elements. Is only applicable to the template definition.


ContainerTypeMay be omitted, "TopBanner" or "ShopBottom". If it is "TopBanner" it will contain the top banner image from the layout setup page design. If it is "ShopBottom" it will hold the CMS content from the CMS text "Bottom text in the shop" from Design > Text.
ContainerNameString - the name of the container.
AllowShopElementsBoolean (True/False) - specifies whether shop elements may be added to the container. Default is True (if the attribute is omitted).
CssIdCss selector - By specifying and ID and/or class of an element in the template (e.g. a div surrounding the container), it is possible to style this element via the Styling tab on the template.


<div class="LeftPaneArea">
	<eSeller:Container ContainerName="LeftPane" AllowShopElements="True" CssId=".LeftPaneArea" />
- Defines a container called "LeftPane" where it is allowed to add shop elements.
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<eSeller:Content />

Defines a placeholder for a content design in the template definition. Should be self-closing as it may not contain other elements. Cannot contain shop elements - only a content design. Is only applicable to the template definition.


ContainerNameString - the name of the container.
CssIdCss selector - By specifying and ID and/or class of an element in the template (e.g. a div surrounding the container), it is possible to style this element via the Styling tab on the template.


<div id="mainContentArea">
	<eSeller:Content ContainerName="contentArea" CssId="#mainContentArea" />
- Defines the area where the selected content design is displayed.
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Sets a variable to use in the content design. The variable is only available for the current request.


NameThe name of the variable. Is used to get the value of the variable - e.g. <eSeller:Select Value-Of="Var:VariableName" />.
TextGives access to page text entries which are defined in the Texts tab of the content design. Specifies the text key of the page text to display.
ValueFixed value (literal)
Value-OfValue of the specified runtime value
TypeThe type of the value - available options are: "string", "integer" and "boolean". If not specified, the default is "string".


<eSeller:SetVar Name="myVariable" Value="myVariableValue"/>
				<eSeller:Select Value-Of="Vars:myVariable" />
- Defines the area where the selected content design is displayed.