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Last post 02 April 2014 By Carsten E. Madsen

Runtime Values

The content definition of content designs allows for access to selected values ​​in the runtime environment to use in certain eSeller tags, such as <eSeller:If /> <eSeller:Select /> and <eSeller:Attribute />

Runtime values are divided into different containers, and the availability of these containers depends on which page is displayed in the shop. Because the values are context-sensitive, they may hold different values - for instance depending on whether a customer is logged in, which location is selected or what product is currently displayed. Note that runtime values cannot be added to design template definitions.


<eSeller:If IsTrue="Settings:ShowProductID">
   <eSeller:Select Value-Of="Product:ProductID" />

<eSeller:If Test="Product:Stocklevel&lt;&quot;5&quot;">
   <p>This product is low in stock!</p>
<eSeller:If Test="Product:Stocklevel&gt;&quot;5&quot;">
   <p>This product is NOT low in stock!</p>

<eSeller:If Test="Customer:ExtCustomerID=&quot;ADMIN&quot;">
   <p>Welcome Admin!</p>

<eSeller:If IsTrue="Settings:IsCustomerLoggedIn">
  <p>Welcome <eSeller:Select Value-Of="CustomerLogin.Name" />.</p>

<eSeller:If IsNotEmpty="Product:ProductManufacturerName">
  <p>Manufacturer: <eSeller:Select Value-Of="Product:ProductManufacturerName" /></p>

Runtime value containers

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These runtime values are accessible from all pages in the shop. Many of these runtime values refer to shop settings.


ShowProductIDTrue if the shop may display internal product IDs.
ShowAltExtProductIDTrue if the shop may display product Alt. Ext. IDs.
ShowAltExtProductIDTrue if the shop may display product Ext. IDs.
ShowProductEANTrue if the shop may display product EAN.
ShowGoodBuyIconTrue if the shop may display the "Good Buy" icon.
ShowNewItemIconTrue if the shop may display the "New item" icon.
ShowStockStatusTrue if the shop may display the product stock status (in stock/out of stock).
ShowPricesTrue if the shop may display product tag prices for customers that are not logged in.
ShowListpriceTrue if the shop may display product list prices.
ShowSalespriceTrue if the shop may display product tag prices.
ShowPreviousSalespriceTrue if the shop may display product previous prices.
ShowAddToBasketTrue if the product can be added to basket.
BasketTextboxPositionIndicates the placement of the quantity box.
ShowAddToFavoritesTrue if the add to favorites button can be displayed.
ShowRemoveFromFavoritesTrue if favorites lists are enabled in shop settings.
IsLoggedInTrue if either a customer or a sales person is logged in.
IsCustomerLoggedInTrue if a customer is logged in.
IsSalespersonLoggedInTrue if a sales person is logged in.
IsSalespersonLoginEnabledTrue if sales person login is enabled in the shop.
IsCustomerLoginEnabledTrue if customer login is enabled in the shop.
ShowProductManufacturereSKUTrue if the product manufacturer SKU may be displayed.
<eSeller:If IsFalse="Settings:IsCustomerLoggedIn" />
<eSeller:If IsTrue="Settings:ShowStockStatus" />
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These runtime values relate to the currently active basket.


DeliveryDateFormattedThe Delivery date (if the customer has selected one in checkout) formatted as a string using the current language culture - e.g. "16-12-2014".
HasDeliveryDateTrue or False - Indicates whether the customer has selected a delivery date in checkout.
IsDeliveryDateRequiredTrue or False - Indicates whether it is required for the customer to select a delivery date in checkout.
IsEmptyTrue or False - Indicates whether the basket is empty.
IsOnlinePaymentTrue or False - Indicates whether the basket supports any online payment forms (such as QuickPay).
NameReturns the name of the basket - normally used when the shop supports multiple baskets. The basket name can be specified using the BasketSelector and BasketEditor controls.
LineCountReturns the number of rows in the basket - e.g. 7. Note that if the quantity of a product in the basket is greater than 1, it still only counts as one row.
LineCountFormattedA formatted string representing the number of rows in the basket - e.g. "7". Note that if the quantity of a product in the basket is greater than 1, it still only counts as one row.
ItemCountReturns the number of items in the basket.
ItemCountFormattedA formatted string representing the number of items in the basket.
TotalAmountThe total amount of the basket inc. VAT, delivery and payment fee - e.g. "799,8000000000".
TotalAmountFormattedThe total amount of the basket inc. VAT, delivery and payment fee (formatted) - e.g. "799,80".
TotalVATAmountReturns the amount of the total that is VAT.
TotalVATAmountFormattedReturns the amount of the total that is VAT (formatted).
TotalItemAmountThe amount of the products only inc. VAT (not including delivery and payment fee).
TotalItemAmountFormattedThe amount of the products only inc. VAT (not including delivery and payment fee) (formatted).
TotalItemVATAmountThe share of the TotalItemAmount which is VAT.
TotalItemVATAmountFormattedhe share of the TotalItemAmount which is VAT (formatted).
ShipmentAmountThe shipment fee.
ShipmentAmountFormattedThe shipment fee (formatted).
ShipmentVATAmountThe share of the shipment fee which is VAT.
ShipmentVATAmountFormattedThe share of the shipment fee which is VAT (formatted).
GiftCardRemainingVatAmountVat amount that is is unused of the giftcard(s) redeemed in basket when giftcard is not not fully exploited.
GiftCardRemainingVatAmountFormattedVat amount that is is unused of the giftcard(s) redeemed in basket when giftcard is not not fully exploited (formatted).
GiftCardReservedVatAmountVat amount reserved on giftcard(s) redeemed by basket.
GiftCardReservedVatAmountFormattedVat amount reserved on giftcard(s) redeemed by basket (formatted).
DuePaymentAmountAmount of basket due payment - i.e. basket total value minus any redeemed giftcards.
DuePaymentAmountFormattedAmount of basket due payment - i.e. basket total value minus any redeemed giftcards (formatted).
DuePaymentVatAmountVat amount of basket due payment - i.e. basket total value minus any redeemed giftcards.
DuePaymentVatAmountFormattedVat amount of basket due payment - i.e. basket total value minus any redeemed giftcards (formatted).
DuePaymentVatAmountValidA boolean value indicating if DuePaymentVatAmount (Basket) can/should be used. If false, do not show/use DuePaymentVatAmount (Basket). If redeeming giftcards, and giftcards are EUSinglePurpose, the VAT has been settled at point of buying the giftcard. Therefore the due payment vat should be affected (you cannot deduct the vat twice - when buying giftcard, and when redeeming giftcard). In this case - or in case no giftcards are redeemed at all - the DuePaymentVatAmount will be correct, and show the vat contained within DuePaymentAmount. In case EUMultiPurpose giftcards are redeemed, the DuePaymentVatAmount is always the VAT of the basket. This can look odd, as the amount can be bigger than the due payment - but it makes sense in the way that this is really the VAT to be settled. Typically, this will just confuse user, and should therefore not be shown, leaving the VAT stated on the basket total value (before any redeems) by the VAT statement.
PaymentAmountThe payment fee.
PaymentAmountFormattedThe payment fee (formatted).
PaymentVATAmountThe share of the payment fee which is VAT.
PaymentVATAmountFormattedThe share of the payment fee which is VAT (formatted).
CurrencySymbolThe currently used currency symbol - e.g. "DKK".
TotalGrossWeightThe gross weight (in grams) of the entire basket - e.g. "100,0000000000".
TotalGrossWeightFormattedThe gross weight (in grams) of the entire basket (formatted) - e.g. "100,00".
IsCollectAtStoreReturns True if the customer has selected a "CollectAtStore" delivery method in checkout.
PromptShipmentReturns True if shipment prompt is enabled in shop settings. The shipment prompt allows the customer to calculate the delivery fee of a product for Consignor calculated delivery forms.
IsAllItemsOnStockReturns True if all items in the basket are in stock. Returns False if one or more of the products in the basket are not in stock. Note that non-stock bound products are always regarded in stock.
PaymentFormDescriptionReturns the description of the selected payment form (configured on the delivery method in shopadmin).
ShipmentMethodIDReturns the internal ID (eSeller assigned) of the selected delivery form.
OrderCollectDateTimeReturns the collection time if the customer has selected one in checkout - e.g. "02-12-2014 07:00:00". Note that this presupposes that the OrderLeadTimePicker control is in use in checkout.
OrderCollectDateTimeFormattedReturns the collection time if the customer has selected one in checkout - e.g. "02-12-2014 07:00". Note that this presupposes that the OrderLeadTimePicker control is in use in checkout.
HasGiftCardTrue if the basket contains one or more gift card products.
HasGiftCardPaymentTrue if the basket has one or more redeemed gift cards.
HasGiftCardRemainingAmountTrue if the remaining balance of the redeemed gift cards is greater than 0.
GiftCardRemainingAmountReturns the remaining amount of any gift cards redeemed in the basket - e.g. "100,0000"
GiftCardRemainingAmountFormattedReturns the remaining amount of any gift cards redeemed in the basket (formatted) - e.g. "DKK 100,00"
HasUserValue(&quot;KeyName&quot;)Boolean - Returns True if the basket has a stored field with a specific key. The key of the field is specified as (&quot;KeyName&quot;) - e.g. Basket:HasUserValue(&quot;CustomText&quot;) returns True if a field with the key "CustomText" is stored on the basket.
GetUserValue(&quot;KeyName&quot;)Returns the value of the field with the specified key. The key of the field is specified as (&quot;KeyName&quot;) - e.g. Basket:GetUserValue(&quot;CustomText&quot;) returns the value of the field with the key "CustomText" on the basket.
BasketGUIDA unique GUID of a basket. Can be used to recover a "lost/forgotten" basket - e.g. "6a32de8b-c484-4bb3-ac05-4568c3b1f32a".
BasketUrlA direct link to recovering a "lost/forgotten" basket. Accessing the URL will recover the basket and make it the currently active basket - e.g. "".
<eSeller:Select Value-Of="Basket:TotalAmountFormatted" />
<eSeller:Select Value-Of="Basket:DeliveryDateFormatted" />
<eSeller:If IsTrue="Basket:HasUserValue(&quot;CustomText&quot;)"> ... </eSeller:If>
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These runtime values relate to the product currently on display - usable on the product detail page.


HasSalespriceTrue if the product has a sales price.
ShowSalespriceTrue if the sales price can be displayed according to shop settings. Note: Is False if product sales price is 0.
HasPreviousSalespriceTrue if the product has a previous sales price.
ShowPreviousSalespriceTrue if the previous sales price can be displayed according to shop settings.
HasListpriceTrue if the product has a list price.
ShowListpriceTrue if the list price can be displayed according to shop settings.
HasProductLinkTrue if the product has a link.
ShowProductIdTrue if the product ID (internal ID) can be displayed according to shop settings.
ShowExtProductIdTrue if the product Ext. ID can be displayed according to shop settings.
ShowAltExtProductIDTrue if the product Alt. Ext. ID can be displayed according to shop settings.
ShowProductEANTrue if the product EAN can be displayed according to shop settings.
ShowProductManufacturereSKUTrue if the product manufacturer SKU can be displayed according to shop settings.
ShowNewItemIconTrue if the "New" icon can be displayed according to shop settings.
ShowGoodBuyIconTrue if the "Good buy" icon can be displayed according to shop settings.
ShowStockStatusTrue if the "Stock status" icon can be displayed according to shop settings.
ShowAddToBasketTrue if a "Add to basket" button can be displayed according to shop settings.
BasketTextboxPositionIndicates where the quantity box for the add-to-basket button is displayed - e.g. "BeforeImage".
ShowAddToFavoritesTrue if the product can be added to the favorites list.
AddToFavoritesUrlURL that adds the product to favorites (Alternative to the FavoritesButton control) - e.g. "/baction/atf.aspx?pid=1471312&rurl=%2fpi%2fLaptop-computer_1471312_.aspx%3f%25E2%2582%25AC35". Returns empty string if the product is already added to the current favorite list.
RemoveFromFavoritesUrlURL that removes the product from the favorites list - e.g. "/baction/remfav.aspx?fid=486059&returnurl=%2fpi%2fCap_113421_6707.aspx%3f%252234%3d%252234". Returns empty string if the product does not exist on the current favorites list.
ShowRemoveFromFavoritesTrue if favorite lists are enabled on the shop (shop settings) and if the products exists on the current favorite list.
HasVariantsTrue if the product has variants (if the product is a variant main product).
IsVariantTrue if the product is a variant product.
ExtProductVariantIDExternal ID of the currently selected variant product.
ProductVariantIDInternal ID (eSeller assigned) of the currently selected variant product.
AltExtProductIDReturns the Alt. Ext. ID of the product.
PosIDReturns the Point of Sale ID of the product.
EANReturns the EAN of the product.
IsOnFrontpageTrue if the product is marked as a front page product.
IsDeprecatedTrue if the product is marked as deprecated (is no longer available for ordering).
IsBuyableTrue if the product can be added to basket (identical to ShowAddToBasket)
StocklevelThe stock level of the product - e.g. "32". For variant main products, the level is a sum of the stock level of all variants.
StocklevelFormattedThe stock level of the product (formatted) - e.g. "32". For variant main products, the level is a sum of the stock level of all variants.
SmallestSalesUnitReturns the smalles sales unit of the product (the least quantity one must buy of this product) - e.g. "5,00000".
SmallestSalesUnitFormattedReturns the smalles sales unit of the product (the least quantity one must buy of this product) - e.g. "5".
SalesBundleSizeReturns the sales bundle size. The quantity of the product must be dividable by this factor - e.g. "5,00000".
SalesBundleSizeFormattedReturns the sales bundle size. The quantity of the product must be dividable by this factor - e.g. "5" (formatted).
UnitOfMeasure Returns the unit of measure of the product - e.g. "Case".
UnitOfMeasureDescriptionReturns the unit of measure description - e.g. "Case of 24 cans".
ProductNameThe name of the product.
ProductIDThe internal ID of the product.
ExtProductIDThe Ext. ID of the product.
ProductManufacturerNameThe name of the product manufacturer.
ProductUrlRelative URL to the product detail page (duplicate of URLPathAndQuery) - e.g. "/pi/Laptop-computer_1471312_.aspx".
ProductRelatedLinkThe URL of the link - e.g. "".
ProductRelatedLinkTextThe text specified for the link - e.g. "Related Link".
VendorNameThe name of the product vendor.
ProductURLPathAndQueryRelative URL to the product detail page (duplicate of URLPathAndQuery) - e.g. "/pi/Laptop-computer_1471312_.aspx".
IsGoodBuyTrue if the product is marked as "Good buy" / bargain.
IsNewProductTrue if the product is marked as "New".
IsDeprecatedTrue if the product is marked as deprecated / discontinued.
GrossWeightThe gross weight of the product in grams - e.g. "100,00000".
ProductShortDescriptionThe short description of the product.
ProductLongDescriptionThe long description of the product.
SeoHtmlTitleReturns the SEO HTML title
SeoMetatagDescriptionReturns the SEO meta tag description - "Description for profiling".
SeoMetatagKeywordsReturns the SEO meta tag keywords - "Search term for profiling".
ProductManufacturerSkuThe manufacturer SKU of the product.
ExpectedDeliveryDateThe expected delivery date of the product - e.g. "16-12-2014 00:00:00".
ExpectedDeliveryDateFormattedThe expected delivery date of the product (formatted - e.g. "16-12-2014".
IsConfiguredProductTrue if the product is a configured product.
URLPathAndQueryRelative URL to the product detail page - e.g. "/pi/Laptop-Computer_1471312_.aspx".
HasImagesTrue if the product has one or more images.
ImageUrl(&quot;IndexNumber&quot;)Returns the image URL of an image of the product based on a zero-based index - e.g. "0" is the first product image, "1" is the second product image, "2" is the third product image etc. E.g. ""
HasDocumentsTrue if the product has one or more documents.
DocumentCountReturns the number of documents of the product.
IsInStockTrue if the product is in stock (the stock level is > 0).
IsLowInStockTrue if the stock level of the product is low - note that IsInStock is still True.
IsNotInStockTrue if the product is not in stock (the stock level is <= 0).
IsStockBoundTrue if the product is stock bound.
StockMessageReturns the text from the product for when the product is in stock/not in stock. If the product is not stock bound, it will use the in-stock message.
HasBetterPricingTrue if a better price exist for ordering a higher quantity of the product (e.g. if 1 costs 40,00 DKK and 3 costs 100,00 DKK.
HasBetterPricing2True if "BetterPricing2" exists.
HasBetterPricing3True if "BetterPricing3" exists.
CustomFieldsReturns the localized value of the specified custom field. To specify a custom field, apply the Ext. ID of the desired custom field like so: CustomFields.CountryOfOrigin (where "CountryOfOrigin" is the Ext. ID of a custom field).
IsGiftCardTrue if the product is a gift card.
IsBOMTrue if the product is a Bill-of-Materials product (the product containing other products).
Sub properties

The following properties needs the prefix "Pricing", "BetterPricing", "BetterPricing2" or "BetterPricing3".
Example: <eSeller:Select Value-Of="Product:BetterPricing.TagPriceFormatted" />

QuantityQuantity needed to achieve the price - for instance to use for <eSeller:If /> testing.
QuantityFormattedQuantity needed to achieve the price formatted to a text string suitable for display.
QuantityNextPriceQuantity needed to achieve the next better price. For use in content design <eSeller:If /> testing.
QuantityNextPriceFormattedQuantity needed to achieve the next better price formatted to string suitable for display.
TagPriceSales price presented to the customer - e.g. "199,00000". For use in content design <eSeller:If /> testing.
TagPriceFormattedSales price presented to the customer formatted to a string suitable for display - e.g. "DKK 199,00".
TagPriceVATAmountThe share of the tag price which is VAT.
TagPriceVATAmountFormattedThe share of the tag price which is VAT (formatted).
TagPriceExcludingVATThe tag price excluding VAT.
TagPriceExcludingVATFormattedThe tag price excluding VAT (formatted).
HasBeforePriceTrue if a previous price is specified.
PreviousTagPriceThe previous tag price. Will display 0 if no previous sales price is specified or if the previous sales price is equal to or lower than the sales price - hence the previous sales price must be higher than the sales price in order to be displayed.
PreviousTagPriceFormattedThe previous tag price (formatted). Will not display anything if no previous sales price is specified or if the previous sales price is equal to or lower than the sales price - hence the previous sales price must be higher than the sales price in order to be displayed.
HasRecommendedPriceTrue if a list price is specified for the product.
ListTagPriceThe list price of the product.
ListTagPriceFormattedThe list price of the product (formatted).
LineDiscountPercentThe line discount percentage - e.g. "10,00000" (10 percent).
LineDiscountPercentFormattedThe line discount percentage (formatted) - e.g. "10,00" (10 percent).
TagPriceLineDiscountAmountThe line discount amount - e.g. "100,0000000000".
TagPriceLineDiscountAmountFormattedThe line discount amount (formatted) - e.g. "DKK 100,00".
TotalTagPriceThe total tag price for the specified quantity. E.g. if there is a sales price for quantity 3 at price DKK 300, then the total tag price is 900.
TotalTagPriceFormattedThe total tag price for the specified quantity (formatted). E.g. if there is a sales price for quantity 3 at price DKK 300,00 then the total tag price is DKK 900,00.
TotalTagPriceVATAmountThe share of the total tag price that is VAT.
TotalTagPriceVATAmountThe share of the total tag price that is VAT (formatted).
TotalTagPriceExcludingVATThe total tag price excl. VAT.
TotalTagPriceExcludingVATFormattedThe total tag price excl. VAT (formatted).
TotalTagPriceIncludingVATThe total tag price for the specified quantity incl. VAT.
TotalTagPriceIncludingVATFormattedThe total tag price for the specified quantity incl. VAT (formatted).
DescriptionThe description specified for the sales price.
<eSeller:Select Value-Of="Product:ImageUrl(&quot;0&quot;)" />
<eSeller:Select Value-Of="Product:StockMessage" />
<eSeller:Select Value-Of="Product:Pricing.TotalTagPriceIncludingVATFormatted" />
<eSeller:Select Value-Of="Product:BetterPricing.QuantityFormatted" />
<eSeller:Select Value-Of="Product:BetterPricing2.QuantityNextPrice" />
<eSeller:Select Value-Of="Product:CustomFields.CountryOfOrigin" />
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These runtime values relate to the current context - e.g. which product is viewed, which product list is viewed, where in the checkout process the customer is, what currency/country/language is selected etc. Therefore the runtime values yield different results based on which context is currently active.


TreeItemTypeNumber, which along with TreeItemId points to the type of page, that will show up.
TreeItemIdNumber, which along with TreeItemType points to the type of page, that will show up.
PageSequenceIdSpecifies whether the current page is part of a page sequence (e.g. checkout sequence). Possible values: 0 or 1. 1: The current page is not part of a page sequence. 1: The current page is part of the order checkout sequence. Along with PageSequenceSortOrder, it might be used to create a unique bread crumb in the checkout progress in the content design.
PageSequenceSortOrderSpecifies the relative placement of the current page in a page sequence. This number corresponds to what is specified in the shop administration under Layout - Setup > Page design under Placement.
BaseUrlThe base URL of the shop - e.g. ""
CurrentUrlThe relative URL including query string of the current page in the shop - e.g. "/pi/tablet-computer_125364_63213.aspx?param1=value1&param2=value2"
CurrentBookmarkThe bookmark (if any) of the current page - e.g. "passwordResetUrl"
CanonicalUrlThe canonical URL of the current page - e.g. "/pi/tablet-computer_125364_63213.aspx"
NavigateUrlParent.NavigateUrlUrl of the page that is one level above the current page in the page structure (parent). For instance, if placed on a product detail page, the NavigateUrlParent.NavigateUrl of a laptop detail page may be "/pl/Laptops_87263.aspx" (the menu of the product).
NavigateUrlParent.NavigateTextThe name of the parent page - e.g. "Laptops"
NavigateUrlParent.NavigateTargetGets the value of the target attribute set ind the <a> tag which references this page - e.g. "_blank".
NavigateUrlNextSibling.NavigateUrlUrl of the page that is after the current point in the current eSeller structure. If there are additional items, it returns an empty string.
NavigateUrlPreviousSibling.NavigateUrlUrl of the page that is before the current point in the current eSeller structure (previous sibling). If there are additional items, it returns an empty string.
NavigateUrlPreviousSibling.NavigateTextThe name of the previous sibling.
GetNavigateUrlBookmark(&quot;Bookmark&quot;).NavigateUrlThe relative URL for the page with the specified bookmark - e.g. "/customers/passwordResetUrl.aspx"
GetNavigateUrlBookmark(&quot;Bookmark&quot;).NavigateTextThe name of the book mark - e.g. "Password reset".
CurrentUrlUrlEncodedThe relative URL of the current page including query string (encoded). This URL can be used as the return parameter in calls to other sites.
QueryparmExists(&quot;queryParameterName&quot;)Indicates whether a parameter with the specified name exists in the URL for the current page. Returns True or False.
QueryparmValue(&quot;queryParameterName&quot;)Returns the value of the specified URL parameter. If the specified parameter does not exist, it returns an empty string.
Language.ISO639Alpha2Returns the ISO639 alpha 2 code for the currently selected language - e.g. "da".
Language.ISO639Alpha3Returns the ISO639 alpha 3 code for the currently selected language - e.g. "dan".
Language.NameThe name of the currently selected language - e.g. "Dansk".
Language.ExtLanguageIDThe Ext. ID of the currently selected language (configured in shopadmin) - e.g. "DAN"
Language.LanguageIDThe internal ID of the currently selected language - e.g. "1".
Country.CountryIDThe internal ID of the currently selected country - e.g. "11".
Country.ISO3166Alpha2The ISO 3166 alpha 3 code for currently selected country - e.g. "DK".
Country.ExtCountryIdThe Ext. ID of the currently selected country (configured in shopadmin).
Country.NameThe name of the currently selected country - e.g. "Danmark".
Currency.CurrencyIDThe internal ID of the currently selected currency - e.g. "54".
Currency.ExtCurrencyIDThe Ext. ID of the currently selected currency - e.g. "DKK".
Currency.ExchangeRateFormattedThe exchange rate of the currently selected currency displayed formatted - e.g. "100,000".
Currency.ExchangeRateThe exchange rate of the currently selected currency (unformateed) - e.g. "100,00000".
Currency.ISO4217AlphaThe ISO 4217 alpha code for currently selected currency.
Currency.ISO4217NumericThe ISO 4217 numeric code for currently selected currency.
Currency.DisplayCodeReturns the display code of the currently selected currency (e.g. "$" or "kr.").
GetExchangerateTo(&quot;currencyIsoCode&quot;)Gets a factor for converting price in the current currency to the specified (by ISO code) currency. Note: This requires the specified currency to be active on the shop. - e.g. "7.7580000000".
IsBookmark(&quot;Bookmark&quot;)Returns True if the current page has the specified bookmark.
IsOfBookmark(&quot;Bookmark&quot;)Returns True if the current page or any parent page has the specified bookmark.
IsExtMenuItemID(&quot;extID&quot;)Returns True if the current page has the specified Ext. menu ID (only for product menus).
IsOfExtMenuItemID(&quot;extID&quot;)Returns True if the current page or any parent page has the specified Ext. menu ID (only for product menus).
ProductlistCacheKeyReturns a string that can be used to optimize the output cache for JSON product lists - e.g. "25e6a6c7a5b5426a802d42231b8b289c".
UtcNowReturns the server utc time that complies with ISO 8601 - e.g. "2014-11-27T13:14:23.1266571Z".
CustomerNameReturns the name of the currently logged in customer.
CustomFieldNamesGet a specific custom field name (in the current language) by specifying the Ext. ID of the CustomField. For example: "CustomFieldNames.CountryOfOrigin" to retrieve the name of the custom field with Ext. ID "CountryOfOrigin". NOTE that it is the localized custom field NAME and not VALUE that is returned.
Location.*Returns information about the currently active location; Location.ExtLocationID (Location Ext. ID), Location.LocationName (Location name), Location.LocationID (Internal ID of the location), Location.Name (Address name), Location.Name2 (Address name 2), Location.IsVisibleInShop (True/False), Location.IsEnabled (True/False), Location.Address (Address line 1), Location.Address2 (Address line 2), Location.City, Location.PostCode, Location.County, Location.CountryID (Internal ID of the location country), Location.EmailAddress, Location.Contact, Location.PhoneNumber, Location.FaxNumber, Location.Longitude, Location.Latitude, Location.PosID (Point of Sale system ID), Location.CmsTextForNormal (CMS text for normal opening hours), Location.CmsTextForSpecial (CMS text for special opening hours), Location.LeadTime (Lead time for the location).
AuthTokenA string containing information usable by eSeller Cloud to establish user information.
AuthTokenUrlEncodedA string containing information usable by eSeller Cloud to establish user information (URL encoded).
MediaFolderPathReturns the relative path to the media folder - e.g. /media/162/
<eSeller:Select Value-Of="Context:GetExchangerateTo(&quot;DKK&quot;)" />
<eSeller:Select Value-Of="Context:CustomFieldNames.CountryOfOrigin" />
<eSeller:Select Value-Of="Context:Location.CmsTextForNormal" />
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These runtime values relate to CMS special pages defined in the shop administration under Design > Texts. Makes it possible to display CMS content specified in shopadmin at any page in the shop.


Text(&quot;textID&quot;)Displays the CMS content of the specified CMS text.
<eSeller:Select Value-Of="CmsSpecialPages:Text(&quot;PasswordReset&quot;)" />
<eSeller:Select Value-Of="CmsSpecialPages:Text(&quot;OrderConfirmationEmailBottom&quot;)" />
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These runtime values relate to the currently selected menu and the CMS content which is provided for this under Design > Menus.


TextReturns the content of the "Menu description" field.
Text2Returns the content of the "Menu alternate description" field.
TitleReturns the menu text - e.g. "Laptop computers".
SubTitleReturns the page subtitle.
NavigateTextReturns the name of the link to this page.
NavigateUrlReturns the URL of the link to this page.
NavigateTargetReturns the target link to this page.
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These runtime values relate to CMS (text content) defined in the layout setup (under Design > Overall design > Layout - Setup) for the currently active menu/page in the shop.


TextDisplays the text defined in the layout (the CMS tab under Design > Overall design > Layout - Setup (edit layout).
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These runtime values relate to the currently logged-in customer.


CustomerIDThe internal ID of the customer.
CustomerIDFormattedThe internal ID of the customer (formatted).
EnforceDefaultDeliveryAddressTrue if the customer is not allowed to change the delivery address.
IsTemplateTrue if it is not an actual customer, but rather a generic customer representing the currently active country.
CanBuyTrue if the customer can complete orders on the shop.
ExtCustomerIDExt. ID of the customer.
ExtCustomerIDFormattedExt. ID of the customer (formatted).
CompanyNameCompany name of the customer.
NameName of the customer.
AttentionCustomer attention note.
AddressAddress of the customer.
Address2Second line of the customer address.
ZIPCodeZIP code of the customer.
CityCity of the customer.
CountryCountry of the customer.
EmailE-mail address of the customer.
PhoneNumberTelephone number of the customer.
MobilePhoneNumberMobile phone number of the customer.
FaxNumberFax number of the customer.
VATNumberVAT number of the customer.
HasDeliveryAddressesTrue if one of more delivery addresses are specified for the customer.
HasBillToCustomerTrue if a billToCustomerId has been specified for the customer in the import file. Only applicable to integrated shops.
<eSeller:Select Value-Of="Customer:Name" />
<eSeller:Select Value-Of="Customer:Email" />
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These runtime values relate to the log-in information of the currently logged-in customer.


UsernameThe username of the logged-in customer.
NameThe name of the logged-in customer.
EmailThe e-mail of the logged-in customer.
<eSeller:Select Value-Of="CustomerLogin:Username" />
<eSeller:Select Value-Of="CustomerLogin:Email" />
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These runtime values relate to the log-in information of the currently logged-in sales person.


NameThe name of the logged-in salesperson.
EmailThe e-mail of the logged-in salesperson.
<eSeller:Select Value-Of="SalespersonLogin:Username" />
<eSeller:Select Value-Of="SalespersonLogin:Email" />
To the top


These runtime values relate to orders made in the shop. An eSeller:Data tag with DataType "OrderHead" must be present in the content design definition. These values can be used to display details about the currently selected order for instance in relation to the use of the controls "OrderList" and "OrderDetails". The name of the runtime value container depends on what is specified as the DataID of the eSeller:Data tag. If the ID of the eSeller:Data tag is "Order", then the container name must be "Data_Order". Likewise, if the DataID of the Data tag is "OrderInfo", the container name must be "Data_OrderInfo".


CurrencyReturns the currency display name of the currency that applies for the order - e.g. "€" or "EUR".
PosIdReturns the POS ID of the order. Only applicable to orders that use VIKING POS integration.
ExtLocationIdReturns the ext. ID of the location for which the order was placed.
LocationIdReturns the (eSeller) ID of the location for which the order was placed.
HasDeliveryDateTrue if the order has a delivery date.
DeliveryDateThe delivery date of the order - e.g. "04-12-2014 00:00:00".
IsDeliveryAddressSpecifiedBoolean - True if the checkbox rendered by the "ShipmentAddressCheckbox" control is checked.
DeliveryDateFormattedThe delivery date of the order - e.g. "04-12-2014".
OrderlinesTotalpriceThe total amount of the order lines including VAT and excluding payment/delivery fee - e.g. "200,00".
OrderlinesTotalpriceFormattedThe total amount of the order lines including VAT and excluding payment/delivery fee - e.g. "DKK 200,00".
OrderlinesTotalpriceExVatThe total amount of the order lines excluding VAT and excluding payment/delivery fee - e.g. "160,00".
OrderlinesTotalpriceExVatFormattedThe total amount of the order lines excluding VAT and excluding payment/delivery fee - e.g. "DKK 160,00".
TotalOrderAmountThe total amount of the order including VAT and including payment/delivery fee - e.g. "DKK 200,00".
TotalOrderAmountFormattedThe total amount of the order including VAT and including payment/delivery fee - e.g. "DKK 200,00".
TotalOrderAmountExVatThe total amount of the order excluding VAT and including payment/delivery fee (ex VAT) - e.g. "DKK 200,00".
TotalOrderAmountExVatFormattedThe total amount of the order excluding VAT and including payment/delivery fee (ex VAT) - e.g. "DKK 200,00".
TotalOrderVatAmountThe share of the order total amount (including payment/delivery fee) which is VAT - e.g. "40,00".
TotalOrderVatAmountFormattedThe share of the order total amount (including payment/delivery fee) which is VAT - e.g. "DKK 40,00".
ShipmentMethodIDReturns the internal ID (eSeller assigned) of the selected delivery form.
ShipmentMethodDescriptionReturns the name of the delivery form - e.g. "Post Danmark".
ShipmentMethodFeeThe delivery fee of the order including VAT - e.g. "25,00".
ShipmentMethodFeeFormattedThe delivery fee of the order including VAT - e.g. "DKK 25,00".
ShipmentMethodFeeExVatFormattedThe delivery fee of the order excluding VAT - e.g. "DKK 20,00".
PaymentMethodIDReturns the internal ID (eSeller assigned) of the selected payment form - e.g. "29031".
PaymentMethodDescriptionReturns the name of the payment method - e.g. "Card payment".
PaymentMethodFeeThe payment fee of the order including VAT - e.g. "5,00".
PaymentMethodFeeFormattedThe payment fee of the order including VAT - e.g. "DKK 5,00".
PaymentMethodFeeExVatFormattedThe payment fee of the order excluding VAT - e.g. "DKK 2,75".
HasGiftCardTrue if the order contains one or more gift card products.
HasGiftCardPaymentTrue if one or more gift cards have been redeemed for the order.
DuePaymentVatAmountValidA boolean value indicating if DuePaymentVatAmount (Basket) can/should be used. If false, do not show/use DuePaymentVatAmount (Basket). For further explanation please refer to same on Basket.
DuePaymentAmountAmount of order due payment - i.e. order total value minus any redeemed giftcards.
DuePaymentAmountFormattedAmount of order due payment - i.e. order total value minus any redeemed giftcards (formatted).
DuePaymentVatAmountVat amount of order due payment - i.e. order total value minus any redeemed giftcards.
DuePaymentVatAmountFormattedVat amount of order due payment - i.e. order total value minus any redeemed giftcards (formatted).
BarcodeReturns the order barcode value from VIKING POS integrated shops.
HasUserValue(&quot;KeyName&quot;)Boolean - Returns True if the order has a stored field with a specific key. The key of the field is specified as (&quot;KeyName&quot;) - e.g. Data_Order:HasUserValue(&quot;CustomText&quot;) returns True if a field with the key "CustomText" is stored on the order.
GetUserValue(&quot;KeyName&quot;)Returns the value of the field with the specified key. The key of the field is specified as (&quot;KeyName&quot;) - e.g. Data_Order:GetUserValue(&quot;CustomText&quot;) returns the value of the field with the key "CustomText" on the order.
PaymentStatusReturns a string value telling the payment status of the order. Possible values are: completed, pending, error and none. If the order is missing the callback from the payment gateway, the value will be "pending".
BasketGUIDA unique GUID of the basket that was completed into the current order.
SellTo.ExtCustomerIDExt ID of the sell-to customer.
SellTo.CompanyNameIsActiveBoolean specifying whether the customer company name field is enabled in the shop.
SellTo.CompanyNameReturns the company name of the sell-to customer.
SellTo.AttentionIsActiveBoolean specifying whether the attention field is enabled in the shop.
SellTo.AttentionReturns the sell-to customer attention.
SellTo.NameIsActiveBoolean specifying whether the customer name field is enabled in the shop.
SellTo.NameReturns the sell-to customer name.
SellTo.AddressIsActiveBoolean specifying whether the customer address field is enabled in the shop.
SellTo.AddressReturns the sell-to customer address.
SellTo.AddressIsActiveBoolean specifying whether the customer address2 field is enabled in the shop.
SellTo.Address2Returns the sell-to customer address2.
SellTo.ZipCodeIsActiveBoolean specifying whether the customer zip code field is enabled in the shop.
SellTo.ZipCodeReturns the sell-to customer zip code.
SellTo.CityIsActiveBoolean specifying whether the customer city field is enabled in the shop.
SellTo.CityReturns the sell-to customer city.
SellTo.CountryIsActiveBoolean specifying whether the customer country field is enabled in the shop.
SellTo.CountryReturns the sell-to customer country.
SellTo.VATNumberIsActiveBoolean specifying whether the customer country field is enabled in the shop.
SellTo.CountryReturns the sell-to customer country.
SellTo.EmailIsActiveBoolean specifying whether the customer e-mail field is enabled in the shop.
SellTo.EmailReturns the sell-to customer e-mail address.
SellTo.PhoneNumberIsActiveBoolean specifying whether the customer phone number field is enabled in the shop.
SellTo.PhoneNumberReturns the sell-to customer phone number.
SellTo.MobilePhoneNumberIsActiveBoolean specifying whether the customer mobile phone number field is enabled in the shop.
SellTo.MobilePhoneNumberReturns the sell-to customer mobile phone number.
SellTo.FaxNumberIsActiveBoolean specifying whether the customer fax number field is enabled in the shop.
SellTo.FaxNumberReturns the sell-to customer fax number.
SellTo.ReferenceIsActiveBoolean specifying whether the customer reference field is enabled in the shop.
SellTo.ReferenceReturns the sell-to customer reference.
DeliveryAddress.ExtDeliveryAddressIdReturns the delivery address ext. ID.
DeliveryAddress.CompanyNameIsActiveBoolean specifying whether the delivery address company name field is enabled in the shop.
DeliveryAddress.CompanyNameReturns the delivery address company name.
DeliveryAddress.AttentionIsActiveBoolean specifying whether the delivery address attention field is enabled in the shop.
DeliveryAddress.AttentionReturns the delivery address attention.
DeliveryAddress.NameIsActiveBoolean specifying whether the delivery address name field is enabled in the shop.
DeliveryAddress.NameReturns the delivery address name.
DeliveryAddress.AddressIsActiveBoolean specifying whether the delivery address address field is enabled in the shop.
DeliveryAddress.AddressReturns the delivery address "address".
DeliveryAddress.Address2IsActiveBoolean specifying whether the delivery address address2 field is enabled in the shop.
DeliveryAddress.Address2Returns the delivery address "address2".
DeliveryAddress.ZipCodeIsActiveBoolean specifying whether the delivery address zip code field is enabled in the shop.
DeliveryAddress.ZipCodeReturns the delivery address zip code.
DeliveryAddress.CityIsActiveBoolean specifying whether the delivery address city field is enabled in the shop.
DeliveryAddress.CityReturns the delivery address city.
DeliveryAddress.CountryIsActiveBoolean specifying whether the delivery address country field is enabled in the shop.
DeliveryAddress.CountryReturns the delivery address country.
<eSeller:Data DataID="Order" DataType="OrderHead" />
<eSeller:Select Value-Of="Data_Order:DeliveryDateFormatted" />
<eSeller:Data DataID="OrderInfo" DataType="OrderHead" />
<eSeller:Select Value-Of="Data_OrderInfo:OrderlinesTotalpriceFormatted" />
<eSeller:Data DataID="Order" DataType="OrderHead" />
<eSeller:Select Value-Of="Data_Order:GetUserValue(&quot;CustomText&quot;)" />
<eSeller:Data DataID="Order" DataType="OrderHead" />
<eSeller:Select Value-Of="Data_Order:DeliveryDate" Format="dd/MM/yy" />
<eSeller:If Test="Data_Order:PaymentStatus=&quot;pending&quot;">
<p><strong>We have received your order but we are still waiting for some payment information. You will receive an order confirmation e-mail as soon as we get the missing payment information.</strong></p></eSeller:If>
<eSeller:Data DataID="Order" DataType="OrderHead" /><eSeller:If IsTrue="Data_Order:SellTo.NameIsActive">
<eSeller:Select Value-Of="Data_Order:SellTo.Name" /></eSeller:If>
<eSeller:Data DataID="Order" DataType="OrderHead" /><eSeller:If IsTrue="Data_Order:DeliveryAddress.CompanyNameIsActive">
<eSeller:Select Value-Of="Data_Order:DeliveryAddress.CompanyName" /></eSeller:If>
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These runtime values relate to invoices imported to the shop via integration (e.g. from the ERP system). An eSeller:Data tag with DataType "InvoiceHead" must be present in the content design definition. These values can be used to display details about the currently selected invoice for instance in relation to the use of the controls "InvoiceOverview" and "InvoiceDetails". The name of the runtime value container depends on what is specified as the DataID of the eSeller:Data tag. If the ID of the eSeller:Data tag is "Invoice", then the container name must be "Data_Invoice". Likewise, if the DataID of the Data tag is "InvoiceInfo", the container name must be "Data_InvoiceInfo".


ExtInvoiceIDExt. ID of the invoice.
DueDateThe due date of the invoice - e.g. "2014-06-05".
VatNumberThe VAT number related to the invoice.
SubTotalThe total of the invoice without VAT - e.g. "400.00".
VatAmountThe amount of the total which is VAT.
TotalWithVATThe total amount of the invoice including VAT.
PaymentTermsThe payment terms of the invoice.
AddressNameThe address of the customer specified on the invoice.
AddressLine1The second address of the customer specified on the invoice.
AddressCityThe city of the customer specified on the invoice.
AddressZipCodeThe ZIP code of the customer specified on the invoice.
AddressCountryThe country of the customer specified on the invoice.
<eSeller:Data DataID="Invoice" DataType="InvoiceHead" />
<eSeller:Select Value-Of="Data_Invoice:DueDate" />
<eSeller:Data DataID="InvoiceInfo" DataType="InvoiceHead" />
<eSeller:Select Value-Of="Data_InvoiceInfo:TotalWithVAT" />
To the top


These runtime values relate to gift cards. An eSeller:Data tag with DataType "GiftCard" must be present in the content design definition. These values can be used to display details about the currently selected gift card for instance in relation to the use of the controls "GiftCardLookUp" and "GiftCardHistory". The name of the runtime value container depends on what is specified as the DataID of the eSeller:Data tag. If the ID of the eSeller:Data tag is "GiftCard", then the container name must be "Data_GiftCard". Likewise, if the DataID of the Data tag is "GiftCardInfo", the container name must be "Data_GiftCardInfo".


GiftCardCodeReturns the gift card code - e.g. "FXJE9ZJL496R"
DateCreatedReturns the creation date of the gift card - e.g. "03-02-2015"
DateActivatedReturns the activation date of the gift card - e.g. "03-02-2015"
ExpirationDateReturns the expiration date of the gift card - e.g. "03-02-2015"
InitialAmount Returns the initial amount of the gift card - e.g. "100,0000"
InitialAmountFormattedReturns the initial amount of the gift card (formatted) - e.g. "DKK 100,00"
Balance Returns the balance of the gift card - e.g. "100,0000"
BalanceFormatted Returns the balance of the gift card (formatted) - e.g. "DKK 100,00"
InitialCurrency Returns the currency of the gift card - e.g. "DKK"
IsLockedBoolean - True if the gift card is locked.
BuyerNameReturns the buyer name of the gift card.
BuyerEmailReturns the buyer e-mail of the gift card.
MessageReturns the message text of the gift card.
giftCardIdReturns the GUID of the gift card - e.g. b322cebb-5750-4bf8-95e7-a44200b3093e. Can be used to create links which displays gift card information in the shop - e.g. a link from the gift card e-mail to the shop, where the gift card is displayed. Must use the query parameter "giftCardId". This is NOT the gift card code used for redeeming gift cards.
<eSeller:If IsTrue="Data_GiftCard:IsLocked">The gift card is locked</eSeller:If>
<eSeller:Data DataType="GiftCard" DataId="GiftCard" IsGiftCardEmail="False" />
<eSeller:Select Value-Of="Data_GiftCard:GiftCardCode" />
<eSeller:HtmlElement Tagname="a">
<eSeller:Attribute name="href" value-of="Context:BaseUrl" />
<eSeller:Attribute name="href" value="/page/displayGiftCard.aspx?giftCardId=" />
<eSeller:Attribute name="href" value-of="Data_GiftCard:giftCardId" />
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This runtime value container allows you to get the values of stored variables. Note that variables are only available for the current request. Available properties depend on what variables have been defined in the content design.


Variable nameThe "name" of the variable
<eSeller:SetVar Name="MyVariable" Value="MyVariableValue"/> <eSeller:Select Value-Of="Vars:MyVariable" />
To the top


Using DataSpace runtime values it is possible to query a data space table directly from a content design. The syntax for querying a data space tabble using runtime values is: DataSpace:<tablename>[index].<field>.<field>...<field>?<elasticsearch options>


<tablename>The data space table name - case insensitive.
[index]A required indexer (resulting table is treated as an array with zero or more entries).
<field>Fields as seen in the JSON result - as with other runtime values, you may dive into the object hierarchy - case sensitive.
<elasticsearch options>The same options as supported by the data space API - here you write your query - are inherently case sensitive.
<eSeller:Select Value-Of="DataSpace:shoplocations[0].Shop.Name?q=Shop.Address.ZipCode:&quot;5000&quot;" /> - Returns the “Name” value for the first shop with zip code “5000” from the data space table “shoplocations”.
<eSeller:Select Value-Of="DataSpace:shoplocations[0]?q=Shop.Address.ZipCode:&quot;6000&quot;" /> - Returns the first “Shop” object (as JSON) that has zip code “6000” from the data space table “shoplocations”.
<eSeller:Select Value-Of="DataSpace:ShopLocations[0]?q=(Shop.Address.ZipCode:&quot;6000&quot;)AND(Shop.Employees:&quot;April&quot;)" /> - Returns the first “Shop” object (as JSON) for the shop with zip code “6000” and that has the employee “April”.