Name | Description |
Currency | Returns the currency display name of the currency that applies for the order - e.g. "€" or "EUR". |
PosId | Returns the POS ID of the order. Only applicable to orders that use VIKING POS integration. |
ExtLocationId | Returns the ext. ID of the location for which the order was placed. |
LocationId | Returns the (eSeller) ID of the location for which the order was placed. |
HasDeliveryDate | True if the order has a delivery date. |
DeliveryDate | The delivery date of the order - e.g. "04-12-2014 00:00:00". |
IsDeliveryAddressSpecified | Boolean - True if the checkbox rendered by the "ShipmentAddressCheckbox" control is checked. |
DeliveryDateFormatted | The delivery date of the order - e.g. "04-12-2014". |
OrderlinesTotalprice | The total amount of the order lines including VAT and excluding payment/delivery fee - e.g. "200,00". |
OrderlinesTotalpriceFormatted | The total amount of the order lines including VAT and excluding payment/delivery fee - e.g. "DKK 200,00". |
OrderlinesTotalpriceExVat | The total amount of the order lines excluding VAT and excluding payment/delivery fee - e.g. "160,00". |
OrderlinesTotalpriceExVatFormatted | The total amount of the order lines excluding VAT and excluding payment/delivery fee - e.g. "DKK 160,00". |
TotalOrderAmount | The total amount of the order including VAT and including payment/delivery fee - e.g. "DKK 200,00". |
TotalOrderAmountFormatted | The total amount of the order including VAT and including payment/delivery fee - e.g. "DKK 200,00". |
TotalOrderAmountExVat | The total amount of the order excluding VAT and including payment/delivery fee (ex VAT) - e.g. "DKK 200,00". |
TotalOrderAmountExVatFormatted | The total amount of the order excluding VAT and including payment/delivery fee (ex VAT) - e.g. "DKK 200,00". |
TotalOrderVatAmount | The share of the order total amount (including payment/delivery fee) which is VAT - e.g. "40,00". |
TotalOrderVatAmountFormatted | The share of the order total amount (including payment/delivery fee) which is VAT - e.g. "DKK 40,00". |
ShipmentMethodID | Returns the internal ID (eSeller assigned) of the selected delivery form. |
ShipmentMethodDescription | Returns the name of the delivery form - e.g. "Post Danmark". |
ShipmentMethodFee | The delivery fee of the order including VAT - e.g. "25,00". |
ShipmentMethodFeeFormatted | The delivery fee of the order including VAT - e.g. "DKK 25,00". |
ShipmentMethodFeeExVatFormatted | The delivery fee of the order excluding VAT - e.g. "DKK 20,00". |
PaymentMethodID | Returns the internal ID (eSeller assigned) of the selected payment form - e.g. "29031". |
PaymentMethodDescription | Returns the name of the payment method - e.g. "Card payment". |
PaymentMethodFee | The payment fee of the order including VAT - e.g. "5,00". |
PaymentMethodFeeFormatted | The payment fee of the order including VAT - e.g. "DKK 5,00". |
PaymentMethodFeeExVatFormatted | The payment fee of the order excluding VAT - e.g. "DKK 2,75". |
HasGiftCard | True if the order contains one or more gift card products. |
HasGiftCardPayment | True if one or more gift cards have been redeemed for the order. |
DuePaymentVatAmountValid | A boolean value indicating if DuePaymentVatAmount (Basket) can/should be used. If false, do not show/use DuePaymentVatAmount (Basket).
For further explanation please refer to same on Basket.
DuePaymentAmount | Amount of order due payment - i.e. order total value minus any redeemed giftcards. |
DuePaymentAmountFormatted | Amount of order due payment - i.e. order total value minus any redeemed giftcards (formatted). |
DuePaymentVatAmount | Vat amount of order due payment - i.e. order total value minus any redeemed giftcards. |
DuePaymentVatAmountFormatted | Vat amount of order due payment - i.e. order total value minus any redeemed giftcards (formatted). |
Barcode | Returns the order barcode value from VIKING POS integrated shops. |
HasUserValue("KeyName") | Boolean - Returns True if the order has a stored field with a specific key. The key of the field is specified as ("KeyName") - e.g. Data_Order:HasUserValue("CustomText") returns True if a field with the key "CustomText" is stored on the order. |
GetUserValue("KeyName") | Returns the value of the field with the specified key. The key of the field is specified as ("KeyName") - e.g. Data_Order:GetUserValue("CustomText") returns the value of the field with the key "CustomText" on the order. |
PaymentStatus | Returns a string value telling the payment status of the order. Possible values are: completed, pending, error and none. If the order is missing the callback from the payment gateway, the value will be "pending". |
BasketGUID | A unique GUID of the basket that was completed into the current order. |
SellTo.ExtCustomerID | Ext ID of the sell-to customer. |
SellTo.CompanyNameIsActive | Boolean specifying whether the customer company name field is enabled in the shop. |
SellTo.CompanyName | Returns the company name of the sell-to customer. |
SellTo.AttentionIsActive | Boolean specifying whether the attention field is enabled in the shop. |
SellTo.Attention | Returns the sell-to customer attention. |
SellTo.NameIsActive | Boolean specifying whether the customer name field is enabled in the shop. |
SellTo.Name | Returns the sell-to customer name. |
SellTo.AddressIsActive | Boolean specifying whether the customer address field is enabled in the shop. |
SellTo.Address | Returns the sell-to customer address. |
SellTo.AddressIsActive | Boolean specifying whether the customer address2 field is enabled in the shop. |
SellTo.Address2 | Returns the sell-to customer address2. |
SellTo.ZipCodeIsActive | Boolean specifying whether the customer zip code field is enabled in the shop. |
SellTo.ZipCode | Returns the sell-to customer zip code. |
SellTo.CityIsActive | Boolean specifying whether the customer city field is enabled in the shop. |
SellTo.City | Returns the sell-to customer city. |
SellTo.CountryIsActive | Boolean specifying whether the customer country field is enabled in the shop. |
SellTo.Country | Returns the sell-to customer country. |
SellTo.VATNumberIsActive | Boolean specifying whether the customer country field is enabled in the shop. |
SellTo.Country | Returns the sell-to customer country. |
SellTo.EmailIsActive | Boolean specifying whether the customer e-mail field is enabled in the shop. |
SellTo.Email | Returns the sell-to customer e-mail address. |
SellTo.PhoneNumberIsActive | Boolean specifying whether the customer phone number field is enabled in the shop. |
SellTo.PhoneNumber | Returns the sell-to customer phone number. |
SellTo.MobilePhoneNumberIsActive | Boolean specifying whether the customer mobile phone number field is enabled in the shop. |
SellTo.MobilePhoneNumber | Returns the sell-to customer mobile phone number. |
SellTo.FaxNumberIsActive | Boolean specifying whether the customer fax number field is enabled in the shop. |
SellTo.FaxNumber | Returns the sell-to customer fax number. |
SellTo.ReferenceIsActive | Boolean specifying whether the customer reference field is enabled in the shop. |
SellTo.Reference | Returns the sell-to customer reference. |
DeliveryAddress.ExtDeliveryAddressId | Returns the delivery address ext. ID. |
DeliveryAddress.CompanyNameIsActive | Boolean specifying whether the delivery address company name field is enabled in the shop. |
DeliveryAddress.CompanyName | Returns the delivery address company name. |
DeliveryAddress.AttentionIsActive | Boolean specifying whether the delivery address attention field is enabled in the shop. |
DeliveryAddress.Attention | Returns the delivery address attention. |
DeliveryAddress.NameIsActive | Boolean specifying whether the delivery address name field is enabled in the shop. |
DeliveryAddress.Name | Returns the delivery address name. |
DeliveryAddress.AddressIsActive | Boolean specifying whether the delivery address address field is enabled in the shop. |
DeliveryAddress.Address | Returns the delivery address "address". |
DeliveryAddress.Address2IsActive | Boolean specifying whether the delivery address address2 field is enabled in the shop. |
DeliveryAddress.Address2 | Returns the delivery address "address2". |
DeliveryAddress.ZipCodeIsActive | Boolean specifying whether the delivery address zip code field is enabled in the shop. |
DeliveryAddress.ZipCode | Returns the delivery address zip code. |
DeliveryAddress.CityIsActive | Boolean specifying whether the delivery address city field is enabled in the shop. |
DeliveryAddress.City | Returns the delivery address city. |
DeliveryAddress.CountryIsActive | Boolean specifying whether the delivery address country field is enabled in the shop. |
DeliveryAddress.Country | Returns the delivery address country. |