The eSeller Cloud Viking POS integration allows you to integrate eSeller Cloud to the Bording Data Viking POS.
Due to the complex nature of and intricacies with Integrating Viking POS and to ensure high availability, this feature is locked and will not be changed or updated in any way, under any circumstances. This means that the current implementation of the Viking API is the standard and that any Viking POS that needs to integrate should follow this specific API. It should be noted that not all features developed for eSeller Cloud will be available for Viking POS integrated customers.
When Viking POS integration is enabled, all prices are updated from Viking POS. Prices are requested by the eSeller Cloud platform on-demand and stored for a configurable period of time to increase response time and offload Viking.
Furthermore, all basket functionality is controlled by Viking POS. This means that any action that requires a change to the basket (e.g. adding or removing products, addresses and coupon codes) requires a call to Viking POS.
Availability Considerations
The Availability and response time of a Viking POS integrated shop is the product of the availability of the eSeller Cloud platform and the Viking POS installation. If either of the two does not respond, the shop will not respond. This means the Viking POS installation must be hosted in a redundant high availability setup.
Configuring Viking POS Integration
The Viking POS Integration is enabled and configured at the following location:
Home >> Base setup >> Company info >> Account >> All Settings >> Plugin
The following options can be configured
- Pricingfactory: Set to VikingPricingFactory to enable the Viking POS Integration
- Viking Cache TTL Minutes: The cache time in minutes for price information retrieved from Viking. Should not be set below 120 minutes
- Viking client id: The pos id used to identify the client in all calls to viking
- Viking Default Location POSID: The default location used for requests to Viking if no locations is otherwise selected
- Plugin_Viking_EnableAutomaticPriceRefresh: Deprecated
- Include deposit in basket price: Include deposit such as bottle deposit in the basket
- Plugin_Viking_MaxArticlesInQuery: The maximum number of articles that will be requested by eSeller
- Plugin_Viking_MaxCacheRefreshCount: Deprecated
- Plugin_Viking_MaxRequestLength: Maximum length of requests sent to Viking.
- Viking POS Host: The complete URL of the Viking POS host
- Plugin_Viking_RequestTimeoutSeconds: The timeout for requests sent to Viking
- Plugin_Viking_ShipmentItemNo: External Product number of freight. If this field is non-empty the product id in the field will be added to all baskets.