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Last post 02 April 2014 By Carsten E. Madsen

URL Encoding

  • 15/06/2017

eSeller Cloud follows best practices as outlines in RFCs, when encoding URLs. When eSeller Cloud generates URLs, all non-ASCII characters are encoded (e.g. æøå), except for URL reserved characters, which are replaced with the URL separator character (default is "-").

The URL reserved characters are: \.:/?#[\]@!$&'()*+,;= and blank space (RFC3986). If more than one URL separator character exist consecutively, they will be replaced with a single URL separator character, so that URLs are less cluttered and easier to read.

For example, a product with the name "Olive oil (300ml)", the URL will be generated as "Olive-oil-300ml-" and for a product with the name "Shoes - size 39", the URL will be generated as "Shoes---size-39" (provided that the URL separator character is dash "-"). Note that in the second example, the three dashes are not replaced with a single dash, because only two of the dashes (the first and the last) are actually URL separator characters. If the URL separator character was instead underscore "_", the generated URL would have been "Shoes_-_size_39".

The URL separator character is specified per shop in the shop administration at Base setup > Webshops > Shop > All settings > SEO tab.


These are a few examples of the behavior:

Product name: "Créme Paradoxe - 50 ml."
Shop generated URL: /pi/Cr%C3%A9me-Paradoxe---50-ml-_12345_.aspx
How the URL looks in the browser (Chrome): /pi/Créme-Paradoxe---50-ml-_12345_.aspx

Product name: "Økologisk Nypon (hyben) pulver - 200 gr."
Shop generated URL: /pi/%C3%98kologisk-Nypon-hyben-pulver---200-gr-_12345_.aspx
How the URL looks in the browser (Chrome): /pi/Økologisk-Nypon-hyben-pulver---200-gr-_12345_.aspx

Product name: "Kids Zoo Omega 3 "Tyggedyr" - 60 stk. (1+1 U/B)"
Shop generated URL: /pi/Kids-Zoo-Omega-3-%22Tyggedyr%22---60-stk-1-1-U-B-_12345_.aspx
How the URL looks in the browser (Chrome): /pi/Kids-Zoo-Omega-3-"Tyggedyr"---60-stk-1-1-U-B-_12345_.aspx