Typically your payments will be handled automatically, but this tutorial will explain how you can manually import customers from eSeller to Dynamics NAV.
To import customers, you have to request them from eSeller in Dynamics NAV first. eSeller will then return the customers available in eSeller to Dynamics NAV.
To import the customers you need to start by searching for “Run Ingoing Integ. Type” in the searchfield in the top right.
This will open a new window, where you need to select the incoming customers option, in this case “KUNDE-IND”.
The customers can now be found by searching for “eSeller New Customers” in the search field.
This will show you a list of the imported customers. To transfer the eSeller customer to a Dynamics NAV customer, you need to select the customer and click “Transfer” under the “Actions” tab in the top menu.
The customer information will be chosen based on which country the customer have chosen when creating the user. eSeller combines this with the customer templates to find the Posting Groups for the customer.