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Last post 11 November 2014 By Nadja Kristiansen
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Last post 20 March 2014 By Carsten E. Madsen
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Last post 02 April 2014 By Carsten E. Madsen

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FTP uploading large quantities of product images.

Carsten E. Madsen 5 Posts 11 Karma
Carsten E. Madsen posted this 20 March 2014

When bulkuploading a large number of product images upload speed drops of as the number of files increase because FTP clients often try to retrieve a directory list after each upload. This is unnecessary and means that image upload becomes very time consuming.

To get around this problem we recommend either disable directory updates after each upload in the ftp client or using the windows command line ftp client in non-interactive mode. The latter can be done in the following way:

Click “Start” >> “Run” Type “cmd” and click enter
In the command prompt type “ftp” and click [Enter]
Type “open”
Enter your username (your email address)
Enter your password (the password you use to login to the eSeller Cloud administration)
Navigate to the image directory by typing:
“cd [you account id]” [Enter]
“cd ProductFiles” [Enter]
“cd images” [Enter]
Put the ftp client in non-interactive mode by typing:
“prompt n” [Enter]
Upload the product images by typing
“mput c:\PathToYourImages\*.*” [Enter]