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Last post 02 April 2014 By Carsten E. Madsen

Setting up eSeller Shops in Dynamics NAV

  • 27/07/2016

It is possible to have multiple shops in Dynamics NAV, and to add a shop use the search field in the top right to search for “eSeller Shops” and choose one, as shown below.

This opens a new window where you can edit information about the shop.

If you want to add a new shop, click “New” in the top left corner, as shown below.

There are three sections in the window:


The following fields are mandatory and have to be filled:

The rest of the fields are optional:

The remaining fields are used for setting up gift cards. To read more about this, please see gift cards.


The numbering section is used for setting up the methods used if either “Cust. No. Method” is set to “eSeller Cust. Nos.” or “Order No. Method” is set to “eSeller Order No. Series”. If none of this has been chosen, ignore this section.

The fields in the section are:

Automatic Receiving

This section is used to set up automatic payment, which is optional. If you do not want to use automatic payment, ignore this section.

The fields in the section are: